Movie You're Watching Tonight


A backrub might help too.

I will probably get on with A Better Tomorrow one of the next days. And i have been thinking about A Touch of Zen. Maby you have seen it Rockatansky?

I will probably get on with A Better Tomorrow one of the next days. And i have been thinking about A Touch of Zen. Maby you have seen it Rockatansky?

Big fan of A Better Tomorrow. Contains maybe the single coolest shot in the movies, and definitely one of the coolest performances. This would be a career best movie for most directors, but Woo turned out a few that are just as good (The Killer, Hard Boiled, Bullet in the Head). I even like the sequel, which is a lot dumber but has an all time shootout climax.

I saw A Touch of Zen in a theatre during a Chinese language cinema retrospective and had a great time. (Highly recommend seeing classic kung fu movies in a theatre if you get a chance.) This was before it was restored. I've since picked up the Criterion Blu-ray but haven't revisited it since (I blame the runtime). I've yet to see a bad movie from King Hu, but my favourite might be Legend of the Mountain, which marries the sense of movement from his kung fu pictures to a ghost story. It's also one of the best looking movies I've ever seen.

Big fan of A Better Tomorrow. Contains maybe the single coolest shot in the movies, and definitely one of the coolest performances. This would be a career best movie for most directors, but Woo turned out a few that are just as good (The Killer, Hard Boiled, Bullet in the Head). I even like the sequel, which is a lot dumber but has an all time shootout climax.

I saw A Touch of Zen in a theatre during a Chinese language cinema retrospective and had a great time. (Highly recommend seeing classic kung fu movies in a theatre if you get a chance.) This was before it was restored. I've since picked up the Criterion Blu-ray but haven't revisited it since (I blame the runtime). I've yet to see a bad movie from King Hu, but my favourite might be Legend of the Mountain, which marries the sense of movement from his kung fu pictures to a ghost story. It's also one of the best looking movies I've ever seen.

Backrubs are optional.

I saw A Touch of Zen in a theatre during a Chinese language cinema retrospective and had a great time. (Highly recommend seeing classic kung fu movies in a theatre if you get a chance.) This was before it was restored. I've since picked up the Criterion Blu-ray but haven't revisited it since (I blame the runtime). I've yet to see a bad movie from King Hu, but my favourite might be Legend of the Mountain, which marries the sense of movement from his kung fu pictures to a ghost story. It's also one of the best looking movies I've ever seen.
I have already seen The Killer. I liked it very much. I have noted down the other Woo films to.

Then it sounds like i need to add on Legend of the Mountain. A Touch of Zen drew me in with it’s nice stills.

Before the lock down, i was able to see a few older films in the local theater. They show about 2 new films every month. I saw Alien, The Wages of Fear, Apocalypse Now ( Final Cut, when that was released), Giant, The Umbrellas of Cherbourg and Tenebre. And i saw Orlando with Tilda Swinton.

Right before i moved here they had just had Scorsese month, with Taxi Driver at least.

Hard to tell which films they pick out, but i will keep an eye out of course.

House of Gucci

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
I am planning on watching Triple Frontier but I am confused as it has very bad reviews..

No Time to Die.
House of Gucci maybe!

I am going to watch The Bounty Hunter 2010. I like Gerard and Jennifer, Hope so ,movie would be good.

Waiting for his upcoming action, thriller movie Kandahar

⬆️ Definitely looking forward to this. Huge crush on Joaquin.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.