The 19th Hall of Fame


Trouble with a capital "T"
I honestly wanted more character from Ingeri and more delivery on the Christianity vs. paganism theme. Part of the reason I love The Seventh Seal is because of its keen religious theme delivery.
What was it saying about religion? I have a vague idea what the film was trying to say about faith and religion, but I'd sure like to hear other people's interpretation?

What was it saying about religion? I have a vague idea what the film was trying to say about faith and religion, but I'd sure like to hear other people's interpretation?

That's just it. It was vague. I'd like more on it as a theme, because for a movie about the rights and wrongs one sees in different religions, like Ingeri's fidelity and
WARNING: spoilers below
the father's murder of the boy and how Ingeri prayed to Odin for Karin's death, as well as the guilt the characters later feel for all of their sins
it didn't go as heavy into how one relies on their beliefs and prayers as often as they do. The movie reminds me of The Witch when diving into the conflict between religion and sin, but with a very different outcome. In some ways, The Witch was better because the theme was more heavily explored.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That's just it. It was vague. I'd like more on it as a theme, because for a movie about the rights and wrongs one sees in different religions, like Ingeri's fidelity and
WARNING: spoilers below
the father's murder of the boy and how Ingeri prayed to Odin for Karin's death, as well as the guilt the characters later feel for all of their sins
it didn't go as heavy into how one relies on their beliefs and prayers as often as they do...
OK thanks, that's a believable take. My take was simpler: that people only turn to religion when they want something.

A link for Cinema Paradiso with Subs and Tombstone would be appreciated. Thanks!
I'll take a look and get back to you in a few minutes.
I already sent Tombstone just so you know.

The Virgin Spring

This was a movie ridden with mysterious symbolism, complicated characters, and an overall sense of "myth." The shots of medieval Sweden in the midst of the wilderness are just beautiful, and Bergmann does a really good job of bringing you back to the ancient times of semi-early Christianity and the dying of Pagan religions in this area of the world. This is a very high quality film, and the only Bergmann I've seen so far - I'll be wanting to see more soon.

List sent. Very good Hall of Fame, my lowest rating being a

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

This is one of those movies that seemed to bypass me until now, but it seems like it would be a movie that I would have regarded as a fun watch back in the day, not necessarily a masterpiece or anything but a comfort film of sorts.

At the forefront for me are the good performances, particularly with Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer. I thought both of them did really well, I'd even say the two should have had some sort of Oscar contention tied to their performances. It was a tough year for that though.

I liked the angle this story took too. At least it made it a pretty adventurous ride. I haven't seen any of the other Wyatt Earp movies aside from My Darling Clementine so I should probably seen out some of the others. Overall a fun watch and it seems the type of movie I would catch on TV and follow watching again.

Trouble with a capital "T"

This is one of those movies that seemed to bypass me until now, but it seems like it would be a movie that I would have regarded as a fun watch back in the day, not necessarily a masterpiece or anything but a comfort film of sorts.
Hard to believe you only seen this now, cool that you liked it. I've watched a bunch of Wyatt Earp/Gunfight at OK Corral movies and most were really fun watches.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Raging Bull

[Sugar Ray Robinson has just battered Jake La Motta half to death, but Jake has stayed on his feet]
Jake La Motta: You didn't get me down, Ray.

You know you're watching a pretty impressive, very well executed movie when, even though you hate the character, you still get caught up in the movie.
And that was my experience for (finally) seeing this film. Which is a Must See and yeah, that's a cliche but hey, it is what it is and this is what it is. Ya know.

Scorcese really delves into the style and format of a story instead of simply doing it "his way". The story (film) dictates how he approaches it technically and Raging Bull is a prime example of that. The fights mimic LaMotta's style of fighting. Getting in close, always advancing, and very very brutal. I've seen quite a lot of boxing movies and while a few get you up close and personal, this is the first one that I didn't feel like just a spectator. I was in the clinch and cringing from the unrelenting onslaught. Even the huddles between rounds seemed like I could rest my arm on someone's shoulder as they talked strategy for the coming round.
And that kind of intimacy carried on to the scenes outside the ring just as well. I wasn't a spectator who could simply judge with lofty indifference, I was there, in Brooklyn, in the hot confines of their apartment homes and the crowded night clubs.

The real magic is that while I was "there" throughout the film, I didn't necessarily feel trapped or constricted. Just very much involved in it all. The tension, the yelling, the threat of violence at every turn, the moments of weakness beneath the "bull" mannerisms, all of it.
And it all was captured and expressed vividly without the flash, without the glamour. It was real life, in Brooklyn about a real bull of a man and those around him.

An exceptional film and a very serious contender for this Big Hitter HoF.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Is Neiba still in? I already watched his nomination but didn't know if anyone heard from him. Watching Cinema Paradiso today.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Is Neiba still in? I already watched his nomination but didn't know if anyone heard from him. Watching Cinema Paradiso today.
@Citizen Rules, @ahwell @KeyserCorleone, @Miss Vicky @Siddon, @John-Conner, @neiba, @rauldc14, @jiraffejustin

We are getting down to the final stretch for the coming deadline of August 7th.

This the very first HoF as a Host that has pretty much run all on its own without any incident. No disqualifications (knock on wood that I haven't cursed myself for saying it). Everyone has easily made each and every secondary deadline. Some great discussions have gone on that remain courteous.
I couldn't be happier with how smoothly it has run to the point of autopilot.

I want to thank each and every one of you for that: THANK YOU

Here's presently where we all stand:
edarsenal - 8/10 Reviews
Citizen Rules - 9/10 Reviews

ahwell - Ballot Sent
KeyserCorleone - Ballot Sent
Miss Vicky - Ballot Sent In
Siddon - Ballot Sent In

John-Conner - 7/10 Reviews
neiba - 8/10 Reviews
rauldc14 - 8/10 Reviews
jiraffejustin - 6/10 Reviews

There are 15 reviews left to be done and while I'm pretty confident that we can make the deadline, with 9 days remaining and so many other wonderful HoFs popping up, it can very easily remain, as stated in the opening post, tentative. Should anyone need a little more time, I am more than happy to make an extension. Just post and let us all know and we'll adjust accordingly.

Again, this has been THE smoothest HoF I've hosted to date and because of such an amazing job by you all, we can adjust the deadline to accommodate everyone, should it become necessary.
Any concerns, situations or problems that may cause us reason to adjust the deadline, PLEASE, let us know.

For myself, I have 3 to go along with 1 in the Sci-Fi to make the August 3 deadline and should be able to make it, per usual, under the wire for both while getting my feet wet in the newer HoFs that we have going on.

***EDIT: I have been adjusting the count as reviews come in since this post***

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Cinema Paradiso

This was something that I wasn't sure if I would like or not, but in the end it did strike a pretty solid cord with me. That ending was magnificent, perhaps one of the better in film history. There was such a lesson to learn for the main character, whom I grew fonder of the older he progressed in the film. I also really liked the character Alfredo who acted as his father figure for the most part. It was a really good screenplay too.

The film didn't look the greatest and sometimes I had hoped for a more interesting dialogue but overall I can overlook those things and say I really enjoyed the film. Great to see the bond between Elena and Salvatore/Toto stick through to the end. Again it was moving.

but in the end it did strike a pretty solid cord with me. That ending was magnificent, perhaps one of the better in film history.
^ my thoughts exactly, glad you enjoyed it / was moved by it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Cinema Paradiso
...There was such a lesson to learn for the main character...
OK, what was the lesson? There's no right or wrong answer, but I'm really interested in people's take on this film as it seems everyone sees different things.