Kevin Spacey sexual advance accusations


Spacey has been recast in All the money in the world. Christopher Plummer will be replacing him.
I find that extreme.

Ok, he's done some really bad bad things in real life, but to recast him in a film that's already in the can and is a month away from release is just too bizarre.
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa

This might just do nobody any good.
I do see this as a stunt (the one Oscar hopeful with no buzz) but...

Apparently it won’t be as extreme a move as it sounds. Spacey only filmed for 8-10 days, his role was a glorified cameo and apparently Scott wanted Plummer from the beginning but the studio pushed for Kev.

In other words, this stunt just saves the movie from being forgotten on release.

Welcome to the human race...
It's understandable, though - the movie was liable to flop because of Spacey's presence so it made sense to take the risk of replacing him rather than be guaranteed a backlash (especially since Netflix had already cancelled House of Cards so there was already a precedent for cutting ties with him). It's worth noting that Plummer was Scott's original choice for the role but the producers insisted on Spacey because he was a bigger name, so the fact that Scott is being allowed to do this suggests that it really is a matter of damage control more than anything.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

To be honest, seeing Kevin Spacey playing an aging man was one of the reasons I wanted to watch the film, regardless of the controversy involving his personal life. I felt that part was going to earn him another Oscar nomination.

Now, with Plummer on-board, I'm less intrigued.

Especially in court.

Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45
Voluntary intoxication is not a legit legal defense.
I'm not talking about voluntary intoxication, I'm talking about not remembering the events. "I don't remember" is a perfectly viable legal defense in response to criminal allegations. If Kevin Spacey was taken to court on no evidence and an "apology" along the lines of "it was 30 years ago, I was probably drunk, I don't remember, BUT IF I DID IT I'M SORRY", I'm willing to bet hard cash he wouldn't be found guilty.
I don’t remember is not a strong defense.

No no no. You all are missing the bigger picture here. You see, Frank Underwood is so conceited and manipulative that he has set this entire scandal into motion. He has worked so hard to develop and maintain his presidency, do you think for just one moment that he's just going to hand it off to his wife? NOW?


The entire second half of last season was simply a distraction from his larger game. He (Francis) is so obsessed with power that he has turned on his own actor, putting into play such drama that could potentially ruin his (Spacey's) career, with the sole intent of having the Netflix execs pull the plug on House of Cards. All to keep his "Claire Underwood" from taking over. Do you really think it's just coincidence that *SPOILER* this is all happening now that she can look past the the fourth wall??

No. Frank would rather destroy the house with him inside, rather than see anyone else take over; his own career be damned. Frank Underwood: The man that destroyed a fictional world by affecting another reality.

*looks at you through your monitor* THAT, my friends, is true power.

Wonderful writers, that show has!
Don't know if that's your sarcasm or an interesting conspiracy theory
I enjoyed The House Of Cards.
Wonderfully written.
But, no, it's not just about Netflix. It's about not being able to work in Hollywood any more ( at least, as long as guilt by association applies ).
If it was more recent, he could potentially face criminal charges for child molestation.
The same as Harvey, Kevin checked himself into some kind of sex rehab facility???
What a joke, as if 4 to 6 weeks could erase and modify their behavior.
The only real cure for sexual predators is castration, it they happen to be male.
Females probably require a lobotomy.

Of course there should always be some tangible proof but when you have multiple allegations, that should require a grand jury.
I think the reason they came up with a statute of limitations for some crimes, is the fact that after a certain amount of time, it is extremely hard to produce the necessary proof to convict.
There is no statute of limitations for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
On my list of no nos, the biggest no no is the sexual molestation of a child.
Such an extreme act, requires an extreme response.
Giving some one a pass to prison is not justifiable enough.
In some Arab countries they still chop off a hand of some one caught stealing, even if it is just one piece of fruit.
Imagine what they do to child molesters.
Should we say that we are fortunate to live in a country where for an extreme crime, one can be safely housed and fed for years, only to be returned to society so that he can commit the same crime again?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
The only real cure for sexual predators is castration, it they happen to be male.
Females probably require a lobotomy.[/quote]

Isn't that lovely. The world according to des - women require a lobotomy. Aren't you a pleasant fellow. How about you go and live in some hick territory where that is still regarded as acceptable. You charming man. Civilised countries actually deal with people through the court system.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
"Only" castration for men, but lobotomy for women? Haha.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Isn't that lovely. The world according to des - women require a lobotomy. Aren't you a pleasant fellow. How about you go and live in some hick territory where that is still regarded as acceptable. You charming man. Civilised countries actually deal with people through the court system.
My thoughts exactly.

Unless I missed something. He admitted, regarding the 14 year old. Any proof on the rest?

The saddest thing in life is wasted talent.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Do you mean sexual harassment or whatever on set. Various people I think. Enough to go on for them to investigate both guys I think I read so I'm now leaving it up to the authorities to deal. Not doubting the allegations about weins. The rest of it just trying to leave for now. I find it exhausting when people out there on fb and other netz turn it into a feeding frenzy. All will come out in the wash.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
And he didn't admit anything. He said either he was drunk or probably drunk and remembered nothing

In perhaps 10 to 15 years; do any of you believe he'll rebound from this?

Or is he done for?
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Trouble with a capital "T"
In perhaps 10 to 15 years; do any of you believe he'll rebound from this?

Or is he done for?
He's done.

Probably will end up produce films and TV under an assumed name. Consider the name Kevin Spacey damaged goods.