Movie Forums Top 100 of the Aughts (the 00s) - Recommendation Thread

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Final set of qualifying rewatches that I'll mention (that may or may not strike a chord with someone, somewhere): Chocolate; Memento; I, Robot; Code 46; Orphan; Se, jie; Minority Report; Underworld; WALL-E; District 9.

Final set of qualifying rewatches that I'll mention (that may or may not strike a chord with someone, somewhere): Chocolate; Memento; I, Robot; Code 46; Orphan; Se, jie; Minority Report; Underworld; WALL-E; District 9.
I haven't seen Chocolat, Code 46, or Lust, Caution. As for the others, Memento is the only one that's probably a sure shot for my list.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

I haven't seen Chocolat, Code 46, or Lust, Caution. As for the others, Memento is the only one that's probably a sure shot for my list.
Lust, Caution would (imo) be the best of those you've not seen.

Whether any I've mentioned make my list or not remains to be seen but I will say that there've sadly been quite a few I've rewatched over the past few months that either didn't hold up that well or I was remembering with somewhat rose-tinted spectacles on. Which means I've a few more I need to rewatch that I currently have in the realms of ballot consideration, just in case the same happens, but I'll not post about them as the deadline will already be fast approaching by that point.

Lust, Caution would (imo) be the best of those you've not seen.

Whether any I've mentioned make my list or not remains to be seen but I will say that there've sadly been quite a few I've rewatched over the past few months that either didn't hold up that well or I was remembering with somewhat rose-tinted spectacles on. Which means I've a few more I need to rewatch that I currently have in the realms of ballot consideration, just in case the same happens, but I'll not post about them as the deadline will already be fast approaching by that point.
Yeah, there are a bunch of films that I remember loving/liking a lot, but haven't seen in a long, long time... I will probably steer away from those, if I can't remember anything about it beyond loving/liking it.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watched a couple of very good tearjerkers showing how people deal with the grief of losing a loved one. They're worth mentioning here for anyone who's still working on their list, (or anyone who just wants to watch them).

Grace Is Gone (2007)

The Greatest (2009)

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I forgot the opening line.
Just rewatched a fun one. Alas, it won't make my list but hope it shows up in the top 100.

"Confessions of a Dangerous Mind"(2002)
Interesting man, the guy that movie is about (and who wrote the autobiographical Confessions of a Dangerous Mind) - Chuck Barris. Hosted The Gong Show and starred in one of the worst films ever made - The Gong Show Movie (1980) - but was he really an assassin for the C.I.A.? I remember getting into all of that a few years ago, and watching that same film you just saw after reading the book. Wouldn't mind seeing that one again.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Deadline is this week, so feel free to share any new recommendation sooner than later, so everybody can submit their ballots in time.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
The Incredibles
King Kong
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Everything Will Be OK
City of Life and Death
A.I. Artificial Intelligence
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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Just re-watched "The Girl Next Door". Think its one of the funniest films of the decade. Timothy Olyphant plays the prick perfectly.

I remember loving Olyphant, but thinking the film itself was "meh". Haven't seen it in a while, though.

Yeah, I remember really loving that film, but haven't seen it in ages.