The Movie Forums Top 100 Comedies Countdown

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I have seen The Blues Brothers, The Life of Brian, Annie Hall, Office Space, The Naked Gun, and The Princess Bride.
The only one that I would definitely put in the top 25 is Annie Hall.
Unfortunately, no votes from me.

That being said I think I may have seen all these movies in the countdown except for Hausu.
The only one I voted for was The Lady Eve.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I have seen The Blues Brothers, The Life of Brian, Annie Hall, Office Space, The Naked Gun, and The Princess Bride.
The only one that I would definitely put in the top 25 is Annie Hall.
Unfortunately, no votes from me.

That being said I think I may have seen all these movies in the countdown except for Hausu.
The only one I voted for was The Lady Eve.
Only voted for one so far that made the countdown, I'd be interested in seeing your voting list once the countdown is over...some of us post our list afterwards.

Only voted for one so far that made the countdown, I'd be interested in seeing your voting list once the countdown is over...some of us post our list afterwards.
Oh it is pretty whack. I just thought it up real fast because I kept getting requests for a list and I was bored that day.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Oh it is pretty whack. I just thought it up real fast because I kept getting requests for a list and I was bored that day.
At least you sent a list in, that counts for a lot...oh and whack comedies are good! I think

The Naked Gun was a riot, and I really enjoyed its predecessor Police Squad, and all the sequels. But I'm partial to the grandaddy: Airplane.

Never saw The Princess Bride. I'm not a Rob Reiner fan, but where I was living in 1987 didn't have access to a lot of first run movies.

Victim of The Night
The Naked Gun was a riot, and I really enjoyed its predecessor Police Squad, and all the sequels. But I'm partial to the grandaddy: Airplane.

Never saw The Princess Bride. I'm not a Rob Reiner fan, but where I was living in 1987 didn't have access to a lot of first run movies.
You should check it out. It's freakin' charming.

This will controversial but…..Naked Gun > Airplane.
Not controversial at all. Demonstrably incorrect, but not controversial.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Shadow goats gotta shadow goat.
They goat us cuz they goad us.
I know. I know.
Back to the shoutbox.

Only voted for one so far that made the countdown, I'd be interested in seeing your voting list once the countdown is over...some of us post our list afterwards.
I'm always more interested in the ones people placed that didn't make the list
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! is hilarious stuff and I was a huge fan of Police Squad, the TV-series. I think the portion at the baseball game near the end with the baseball "highlights" (including a player being attacked by a tiger) was my favorite section. Also Drebin's mangling of the National Anthem and his umpire imitation had me rolling. I'm glad to see it made it without my help.

The Princess Bride is a great movie whether you consider it a comedy or not, and I do. I just tended to stick with movies that still make me laugh out loud no matter how many times I've seen them. But TPB has plenty of funny bits. To this day, whenever I go out the door, I'll pat my pockets and go, "Okay, okay" like Peter Falk does when he's leaving his grandson. I just love funny Peter Falk.

Voted for neither but so glad to see them here.

My list:
#4.The In-Laws
#9.The Blues Brothers
#11.Arsenic and Old Lace
#13.Raising Arizona
#14.Animal House
#18.Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
The Princess Bride is one of my favorite movies because it does so many things so well. It's not only a great comedy movie, but it's a great swashbuckling adventure, romance, and fantasy movie as well. Its rewatchability is limitless, and it has tons of quotable lines. It was #6 on my list.

The Naked Gun is a fun movie with some very funny scenes, but I never considered it for my list. I'm surprised to see that it made the countdown, but that's more due to the fact that I haven't really read much about it here over the years than due to the quality of the movie.

My list so far:
1) My Cousin Vinny (1992)
2) Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)
4) When Harry Met Sally… (1989)
6) The Princess Bride (1987)
8) The Producers (1967)
9) Back to the Future (1985)
16) It Happened One Night (1934)
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Sticking with my "unnamed ballot entry #2" and Ghostbusters - though the first one is more an albatross around my predictions neck at this point.

Ok, thanks to the latest clue I've now narrowed down "unnamed ballot entry #2" to one of the following:
  • The Rescuers
  • The Rescuers Down Under
  • Monty Python Live At The Hollywood Bowl
  • Telling You
  • Albatross
Given the clue I'm guessing the last one would be a little too obvious so am knocking that one out immediately. I don't think it would be the Monty Python entry as it's a recording of a live show which narrows the field down to just three, one of which is a sequel - which people rarely rate higher so that probably isn't it either. Of the two remaining one has a rather low rating on IMDb from not so many viewers which probably tips the balance in favour of the other ..... therefore I think it's perfectly ridiculous to announce .... "unnamed ballot entry #2" is (unlikely to be) .... The Rescuers.

Ok, thanks to the latest clue I've now narrowed down "unnamed ballot entry #2" to one of the following:
  • The Rescuers
  • The Rescuers Down Under
  • Monty Python Live At The Hollywood Bowl
  • Telling You
  • Albatross
Given the clue I'm guessing the last one would be a little too obvious so am knocking that one out immediately. I don't think it would be the Monty Python entry as it's a recording of a live show which narrows the field down to just three, one of which is a sequel - which people rarely rate higher so that probably isn't it either. Of the two remaining one has a rather low rating on IMDb from not so many viewers which probably tips the balance in favour of the other ..... therefore I think it's perfectly ridiculous to announce .... "unnamed ballot entry #2" is (unlikely to be) .... The Rescuers.

I do like to keep my unintentional hints oblique, so maybe expand it out to any aquatic-residing, avian creature.

ETA: it just crossed my mind, with The Rescuers, you already did. i.e. it's not actually an albatross in the rescuers, is it?

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.
I mean, it's a lot of things, and it's not a majority any one thing, so we're ultimately arguing about whether it's 35% comedy and 30% adventure or the other way around.

Obviously these questions aren't objectively answerable, but my rationale is that the comedy is the clearest and largest part of the story. The novel it's based on was, after all, essentially satire; the blurb on the book was “What happens when the most beautiful princess in the world marries the most handsome prince in the world — and he turns out to be a son-of-a-bitch?”
I would say the content is more like 60% adventure, 30% comedy, 10% romance.

IMDB lists the keywords like so: Adventure, Family, Fantasy (No mention of comedy).

Here are the movie's various covers. They don't look like comedies to me...

If you went to a store with movies shelved in categories, would you expect to find these in the comedy section, with the likes of "Epic movie", "Your Highness", and "Dumb and Dumber", or would you expect to see it with movies like "Lord of the Rings", "Romancing the Stone", and "Pirates of the Caribbean"?

I'm taking issue with your initial statement that it is "mostly" a comedy.

Boldly going.