Things that annoy you...


⬆️ Ugh, the snow is sticking. Is it August yet?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
⬆️ Ugh, the snow is sticking. Is it August yet?
Better stir it, before it sticks to the pot!

(don't hate me. i can't help it)
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Paywalls of any kind. Yes, I know they are needed, but they drive me nuts. The British Guardian newspaper is the worst. They let one read a paragraph at most before asking one to pay.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Paywalls of any kind. Yes, I know they are needed, but they drive me nuts. The British Guardian newspaper is the worst. They let one read a paragraph at most before asking one to pay.
I never heard of the term 'paywall' before today. Yeah, those are annoying when one runs into one.

You ready? You look ready.
Paywalls of any kind. Yes, I know they are needed, but they drive me nuts. The British Guardian newspaper is the worst. They let one read a paragraph at most before asking one to pay.
This is why I love Snapchat. Granted, I only get a few articles off their websites but the organizations that have a paywall on their site will post articles to their Snapchat story. So I can read a lot of good articles for free.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Went into my local convenience store to query the price of bleach I bought yesterday. They are charging the same price for 81 fluid ounces as they did for 121 fluid ounces that they no longer have. This is price gouging & annoying.

So I spoke to the manager, who knows me, but he kept saying “No, sweetheart, we are not overcharging.” “Sweetheart, no, you are mistaken.” “Sweetheart, this is the price.”

Ugh, stop calling me “sweetheart” & stop with the “mansplaining”. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s mansplaining.

The unpredictablility of radio. I still listen to radio especially late at night - a radio that had no problem getting my stations suddenly can't stay tuned in - as soon as I touch the tuner with my hand it tunes in perfectly, but as soon as I remove my hand it goes to static. Thus I can't tune it because it's perfectly clear only as long as I'm touching it (so how can I tell if the tuning dial is in the right place or not?) - and of course I'm trying to listen while doing dishes or some other activity so I can't stand there and HOLD it!

⬆️ I listen to New England Public Radio (WFCR out of Amherst, MA) every morning through breakfast. But that’s with their app on my iPad.

The Daily Mail online website has to be the worst in the world. They have great photos & great coverage of world events. In fact, they report a crisis like the Notre Dame Fire, for example, better than any other website IMO. Great diagrams & graphics.

But, it’s the worst website because it constantly buffers & crashes. One can never make it through all the stuff on the website before it crashes. I honestly don’t know why I put myself through this every day.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again

Either I'm sensitive to this and notice what others overlook or I'm the cause. My experience tends to go with me making a statement, someone not hearing what I'm trying to say and instead hears what the other assumes I'm saying.

After that, trying to clarify my point another way comes off as argumentative. Or worse, defensive. Then some sort of argument evolves, based on a misunderstanding that I can't seem to redirect or recover from.

I'm starting to believe I'm incapable of human interaction. lol? That annoys me!!

I'm starting to believe I'm incapable of human interaction. lol? That annoys me!!
I don’t believe this. You seem to me to be a very nice man. Hell is other people as Sartre remarked. But, apparently, he didn’t mean it that way.


Either I'm sensitive to this and notice what others overlook or I'm the cause. My experience tends to go with me making a statement, someone not hearing what I'm trying to say and instead hears what the other assumes I'm saying.

After that, trying to clarify my point another way comes off as argumentative. Or worse, defensive. Then some sort of argument evolves, based on a misunderstanding that I can't seem to redirect or recover from.

I'm starting to believe I'm incapable of human interaction. lol? That annoys me!!
Sorry but I just don't see how you can justify putting all the blame on others like that whilst acting like none of the fault could be yours

Just messing wit ya by deliberately misunderstanding


Either I'm sensitive to this and notice what others overlook or I'm the cause. My experience tends to go with me making a statement, someone not hearing what I'm trying to say and instead hears what the other assumes I'm saying.

After that, trying to clarify my point another way comes off as argumentative. Or worse, defensive. Then some sort of argument evolves, based on a misunderstanding that I can't seem to redirect or recover from.

I'm starting to believe I'm incapable of human interaction. lol? That annoys me!!
What the heck are you talking about?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
^ lol
^^ rofl
^^^..and thanks.

that was mostly just a quick vent. sorry for the drama!!! friendships can sometimes push limits. you learn to process it, deal, and improve things or move on. but i do think it would be soooooo much easier to be a robot. just ask Kirk Douglas or Farrah Fawcett. wow. is that really how it's spelled? faw-cett? huh... never noticed.

Free donut each Friday with the app at DNKN through April extended from March. Except nobody told the manager at my local DNKN. I didn’t know this & neither did she. I only found out on Saturday, which was too late.

I’ve posted this before, but one thing that makes me totally mental is people who don’t give their dogs - especially big ones - adequate daily exercise.

Two lovey pitties on my block. So far as I can see Marlow is never taken for a walk & I’ve known him since he was a puppy. Put into the front yard to poop & pee then brought in again. It would not surprise me to know that he has never been taken for a walk.

Thor across the street from my house whom I’ve also known since he was a pup does get out at least once a day. At least I hope so. But he’s not taken very far. Maybe only around the block. When he returns from his walk it’s obvious he would like to stay out longer.

Now I would not particularly like to walk a dog, that’s why I don’t have a dog. It’s just so sad because a pittie only wants to please its owner & they deserve more.

Went to DNKN today for coffee. Counterperson wore a single glove & I wondered if this was okay. Horrified to see that when she had made my latte she had dumped that single glove & was now bare-handed. Will speak to manager if she’s there tomorrow to clarify this. I will not tell her who did this (I’m not a snitch), but will suggest that she reinforce this to all her employees.

I dislike it when a married couple share an email address. A new friend & I just had a long fun phone call. She wanted my email addy & I willingly gave it to her. I then get an email in her husband’s name only, with whom I am slightly acquainted. Does she not have her own email addy? So now when I send her an email hubby sees it too? And this, mind you, is a professional woman in the medical world.