Justice League


An unfortunate disappointment. Felt like it was trying way too hard to imitate The Avengers, which is bad enough on it's own and worse because I don't like The Avengers. I hated the forced humor and the heroes all lacked any real charisma. Batfleck, who was perhaps my favorite interpretation of The Bat in Batman V Superman, was awful in this one and totally different from that previous entry. DC, you can do better than this. Get those guts back.
What about Wonder Woman? People expected a lot from her in the movie. I am still thinking to watch this just because of this character. Gal Gadot was awesome in Wonder Woman. Expecting her to be brilliant again in this flick too.

What about Wonder Woman? People expected a lot from her in the movie. I am still thinking to watch this just because of this character. Gal Gadot was awesome in Wonder Woman. Expecting her to be brilliant again in this flick too.
she doesn't disappoint, i think for the majority of people she'll be the highlight
can i have one of those buttons?

Yeah, I realised that the trailer scene where Alfred says "let's hope you're not too late" to an unseen character didn't show up and now I guess we'll never know who he was talking to (maybe Lois?)
I think the return was completely rewritten, also Cyborg stopping the tank (or whatever it was) and saving the cop was missing, so twice Jimmy Olsen has been removed from theatrical releases, maybe WB hates Jimmy?

Welcome to the human race...
I got a real "season six of Buffy" vibe from the return we did get.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I guess she's the highlight, but maybe it's because I was most excited for her that I felt underwhelmed even with WW. It's not Gadot's fault, it's the writing of the character. She had nothing to work with.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
You take the kids? If so, what did they think?
I will let you know this afternoon. I goit a text from their mom on the way home last night. "If I buy the tickets will you take the boys tomorrow?" First world problems over here.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Not sure how much of the problem is to do with writing so much as editing - this was originally slated to be 170 minutes before Snyder stepped aside so who knows how much has been lost simply by trying to make it short enough to get more screenings into a day.
I wish so had an intelligent way to respond but honestly this movie is such a mess I Don't know where to begin. The writing struck me though especially only being a couple weeks removed from Thor. Thor had great humor and this was clunky at every turn. That first meeting with Flash. Wow! I just can't believe how bad this was. BVS and Wonder Woman were on par with Marvel films for me so I thought this could be good.

This might just do nobody any good.
The movie got cut down twice while in production. It was suppose to be the first of a two-part story, leading directly to Darkseid and Apokolips, then, as principal production started, Batman v Superman came out and the two film format was dropped and the ending was made more concrete. Then, I think, just before Snyder stepped out, the film was brought down to a shorter runtime.

Welcome to the human race...
Yeah, this was definitely trying too hard to be funny - Wonder Woman at least managed to make its jokes seem a bit more naturalistic through their scarcity whereas this went for the stereotypically Whedonesque wall-to-wall quipping even though that just resulted in more misses than hits. Such is the problem with establishing such a self-serious continuity in the previous films.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Yeah, this was definitely trying too hard to be funny - Wonder Woman at least managed to make its jokes seem a bit more naturalistic through their scarcity whereas this went for the stereotypically Whedonesque wall-to-wall quipping even though that just resulted in more misses than hits. Such is the problem with establishing such a self-serious continuity in the previous films.
I am going to try and rewatch BVS in the next couple weeks. I feel like I retroactively hate it. This was like Suicide Squad level for me. So disappointing.

All DC/WB needs to put me in a seat is some Omega Beams. I can justify anything for that.

Whedon's DC of AoU, Snyder's 4 hour BvS and Ayer's original cut of SS will always be like the holy grail to me, I expect JL to be similar
And that's why you're the problem, Joe Vargas.

I saw this with a couple of friends. What a waste of time.

What did I honestly expect? To put it bluntly: a watered down, disgusting rendition of the already played-to-death 'Superhero Movie Formula.'

I'll give them this, It definitely seems like a movie that features the forcefully thrown together visions of Zack Synder and Joss Whedon...

And Superman's Mouth... oh god.

How about learn what makes a good movie.

Remember when I said this back in July?
Call me when the Reviews are out bud.
Oh, how things come full circle...

How about learn what makes a good movie.

Remember when I said this back in July?
Call me when the Reviews are out bud.
Oh, how things come full circle...
Yeah, I was trying to point out why Whedon was filling in for Snyder and you were..... well..... thanks for the reminder though. Ahhh memories

Also, that 'Prince/David Bowie' newspaper wasn't an "easter-egg." That was shameless, desperate, and sad.

Thank you Warner Bros. for trying to capitalize on the deaths of brilliant artists.

Yeah, I was trying to point out why Whedon was filling in for Snyder and you were..... well..... thanks for the reminder though. Ahhh memories
Yes. It was Damage Control.

The test screenings were horrendous, and Warner Bros. wanted someone who'd fix things (Plot, Characters, etc.) and make it "fun."

The movie got cut down twice while in production. It was suppose to be the first of a two-part story, leading directly to Darkseid and Apokolips, then, as principal production started, Batman v Superman came out and the two film format was dropped and the ending was made more concrete. Then, I think, just before Snyder stepped out, the film was brought down to a shorter runtime.
Thank you, Zack.