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I turn 60 in May. Why do you ask?

I turn 60 in May. Why do you ask?
Just curious. I'm 56, so we're around the same age group.
(Sometimes, compared to the ages of some of the other people here, I feel like one of the old fogies on this board.)

Registered User
Just curious. I'm 56, so we're around the same age group.
(Sometimes, compared to the ages of some of the other people here, I feel like one of the old fogies on this board.)
Then feel alone no more.

One of the things about getting old is that you start thinking differently. When I was in my teens, I was... well, insane! I'd see a skateboard and it's just get out of the way because I am invincible so I can jump that garbage can! In my twenties, I looked at cars and wondered about quarter mile times.

Now, I'm cautious about everything. That fence I would have leaped over back in the day without thinking about it is now an insurmountable obstacle.

This is why, I think, I'm gettting so much negative feedback on my views on how people should deal with the coronavirus. While I stress caution and preparation, others are like "Yo dawg, I can't be doing that!".

Then feel alone no more.

One of the things about getting old is that you start thinking differently. When I was in my teens, I was... well, insane! I'd see a skateboard and it's just get out of the way because I am invincible so I can jump that garbage can! In my twenties, I looked at cars and wondered about quarter mile times.

Now, I'm cautious about everything. That fence I would have leaped over back in the day without thinking about it is now an insurmountable obstacle.

This is why, I think, I'm gettting so much negative feedback on my views on how people should deal with the coronavirus. While I stress caution and preparation, others are like "Yo dawg, I can't be doing that!".
I can relate. A few years back some friends threw a roller skate birthday party for their kid where they rented an afternoon at a roller rink and I was invited.

To participate, I got some skates at the rink's counter and imagined I'd be skating around with all the kids (and a few of the more able-bodied adults) like the last time I was on them - when I was a teenager.

I ended up so afraid of permanent or debilitating injury that I spent the whole time holding the rail up against the wall (or on the floor nearly unable to get myself up). In short, I did not do any actual skating and did not have a good time (that is, until I took the skates off and they served pizza!)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I can relate. A few years back some friends threw a roller skate birthday party for their kid where they rented an afternoon at a roller rink and I was invited.

To participate, I got some skates at the rink's counter and imagined I'd be skating around with all the kids (and a few of the more able-bodied adults) like the last time I was on them - when I was a teenager.

I ended up so afraid of permanent or debilitating injury that I spent the whole time holding the rail up against the wall (or on the floor nearly unable to get myself up). In short, I did not do any actual skating and did not have a good time (that is, until I took the skates off and they served pizza!)

This reminded me of a similar situation back when I was a teenager. (I'm 54 now, so I'm only a few years younger than you.)

When I was around 16, I used to babysit for a young boy. His parents threw him a roller skating party, and they asked me to come and help chaperone the kids. It sounded like a good idea at the time, until I got to the roller skating rink, and they told me to go get skates so I could stay on the rink with the kids, and make sure they were okay.

Unfortunately for them, I was probably the only teenager who never learned how to roller skate. I couldn't even stand still on skates for more than about 2 seconds before falling down.

I wasn't much help on the rink that day, and as of this day, I still haven't learned how to roller skate.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

This is just an excuse. Yes, you will be leaving any family support behind, but buses leave on the hour.
You’re being incredibly dense. They.did.not.have.bus.fare.

Last time I’m discussing this.

I turn 60 in May. Why do you ask?
60 is hardly “old”. Maybe you just feel & act old.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

You ready? You look ready.

The take away from that article is COVID restrictions has allowed us to see the lowest flu numbers in recorded history. But that means they ain't gunna know **** about which vaccine to make next year, so I predict the regular ole flu is going to be the next pandemic.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

The take away from that article is COVID restrictions has allowed us to see the lowest flu numbers in recorded history. But that means they ain't gunna know **** about which vaccine to make next year, so I predict the regular ole flu is going to be the next pandemic.
Very interesting article.

With the caveat that I pray I don’t get the flu this month, this is the first year in quite a while I haven’t gotten the flu in January or February. Always get the flu shot, but have gotten sick for a week each time I got the flu.

Best thing I did apart from masks & social distancing was to give up my volunteer work at my church’s food pantry. Very unhealthy environment with everyone inside. No, not for me any longer.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.

Got my second shot. I was a bit dizzy, ached, and my arm was sore. Feel fine today.

Again drove round trip to Southern Oregon.

Connecticut has announced that come April 5 everyone & his brother, no matter their age, will be able to be vaccinated now. Good news indeed.

This reminded me of a similar situation back when I was a teenager. (I'm 54 now, so I'm only a few years younger than you.)

When I was around 16, I used to babysit for a young boy. His parents threw him a roller skating party, and they asked me to come and help chaperone the kids. It sounded like a good idea at the time, until I got to the roller skating rink, and they told me to go get skates so I could stay on the rink with the kids, and make sure they were okay.

Unfortunately for them, I was probably the only teenager who never learned how to roller skate. I couldn't even stand still on skates for more than about 2 seconds before falling down.

I wasn't much help on the rink that day, and as of this day, I still haven't learned how to roller skate.
Some people have an interesting approach if they ask those who did not skate to help at the rink. Although, maybe this is from a misunderstanding of how difficult it is? Roller skating training depends on how developed the human vestibular apparatus is. It's the same as cycling.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
Connecticut has announced that come April 5 everyone & his brother, no matter their age, will be able to be vaccinated now. Good news indeed.
Funny how each area runs it differently. I'm in King County in Washington, hard to get the vaccine, but Clallam County is way ahead of the rest of the state.

Funny how each area runs it differently. I'm in King County in Washington, hard to get the vaccine, but Clallam County is way ahead of the rest of the state.
Yeah, it’s so random throughout the United States. Connecticut has done pretty well IMO. I could say it’s because we’re a small state, but that didn’t help Delaware.

Some mistakes made here too. Very hard for old folks to get themselves signed up. They’re not computer literate & who the heck wants to spend hours waiting for a phone connection? I know I wouldn’t. Our online system (VAMS) was critiqued too, but I found it to be okay when I signed up my husband. (He’s older than me.)

We had some discussions in here about Brazil last year. They were pretty average most of the way relative to population size, but unfortunately have really bungled things since:

Brazil Is Looking Like The Worst Place On Earth For COVID-19

The country is now widely viewed as the epicenter of the pandemic, with the highest number of daily deaths of any nation. On Tuesday, that number topped 3,000 for the first time, with 3,251 deaths recorded.

And this week, Brazil's registered COVID-19 deaths are likely to rise above 300,000 — a toll exceeded only by the United States. Ribeiro bleakly remarks that this number is about the same as the population of her city.

Locally, things look pretty good. We're seeing a bit of an increase, but not enough to move the seven-day average much.

Two of my sisters are fully vaccinated (both do some assisted living work), and a friend of mine got his first dose last week. My wife and I haven't tried to get one yet because we figure if we have to fight for a spot we'd be taking it from someone who needs it more, but a lot of states (including Ohio, which is right next door to our state of Pennsylvania) are dramatically expanding access, or even making it universal (16 and up, technically), so I think we could be up soon. It'll be a big relief.

... I think we could be up soon. It'll be a big relief.
I cannot wait to be fully vaccinated & able to cross this off my worry list.

I was thinking (again) today on my daily walk: How come I was spared? My mind simply can’t comprehend why so many many people have died of the virus or are suffering greatly from post-COVID symptoms (which can be terrible & lingering).

It’s been so random. All different nationalities, both genders, all age groups have died.

I did nothing special to prevent my becoming ill. At the beginning I didn’t even own let alone wear a mask. My hugest fear was that my husband (who is careless) would bring it home to us. But he didn’t & has never been sick himself.

So many thoughts. I could bring religion into this, but ... another day.

They're vaccinating people born in 1955 here right now and going up. By the time it comes to my age I will be dead (of natural reasons).
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I get my second shot in April, and it's starting to dawn on me now that I no longer have an excuse for declining social invitations. I've been livin' the dream this past year, but now I'll have to start going to "parties" and "barbecues" and stuff again. UGH!

(only half-joking)
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