Critically acclaimed films that you didn't enjoy


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I'm not a big anime fan, but I am a big Spirited Away fan. That is a masterpiece of animation for me. There's a few others that I like too.

Maybe I am taking that movie too seriously, but I hate conformism and this movie promotes it even if it is in a subtle way and a result of poor writing.
Er, isn't the message the exact opposite? The state of the LEGO world at the start of the movie is that everyone likes and does the same sorts of things. They all love the same song and the same TV show, and any attempt at creativity is shut down. Then the good guys come along and disrupt that world. How is this promoting conformism?

There Will Be Blood (need to rewatch)
The Big Lebowski (didn't find it funny)
Bronson (not sure if critically acclaimed but will probably be my worst movie ever watched)
Iron Man 3 (loved the first two)
Sherlock Holmes (RDJ version)
Lost In Translation (didn't hate it, found it dull)
Donnie Darko (dislike films that are purposely impossible to understand)

I hated all of this stuff the first time I watched them. Today I'd consider them among the best movies ever made.

Fargo is the big one for me, everyone I know loves it, I'm not a fan.

No Country For Old Men. I think it's well acted and shot, but it just doesn't do anything for me. I know that doesn't say much, but i honestly don't know why i don't like it i expected a rewatch to change this like it did for The Royal Tenenbaums, it actually made it worse though. The sort of film i'd usually love by the Coens who i love but....

No Country For Old Men. I think it's well acted and shot, but it just doesn't do anything for me. I know that doesn't say much, but i honestly don't know why i don't like it i expected a rewatch to change this like it did for The Royal Tenenbaums, it actually made it worse though. The sort of film i'd usually love by the Coens who i love but....
This is probably my favorite film of all time and it saddens me to see it mentioned! Each to his own though

The Conjuring: What the hell people found so scary about that film, I'll never know. It wasn't even creepy. Talk about a humongous letdown. It may have been the hype that got me.
Gladiator: It's alright, but I found it to be an hour and a half too long, and not really that special. 300 does what this movie did better IMO, even without the effects and the technology (let the heat commence). I'll also never know why Russell Crowe won an Oscar, and Joaquin Phoenix didn't. And it certainly didn't deserve Best Picture. If you wanna' see something really good related to Romans and gladiators, watch the HBO show.
The Hunger Games: Never got into it and I haven't read the books, and I'm sure they're good and the movie's not bad either. I love Jennifer Lawrence as much as the next guy, but I've seen this movie already. It's called Battle Royale, and it's much better.
Signs: This movie is just ridiculous. I liked Shyamalan up to this point. This is when he started creating schlock.
Every Paranormal Activity: I seriously mean no offense, and I hate being rude to anyone, but seriously, if you find these movies remotely scary, you need to see more horror films. Just saying.
Mulholland Drive: It pains me to put this movie here, because I don't understand it whatsoever, but... I don't understand it whatsoever.

A Man For All Seasons

Apocalypse Now

Dances with Wolves


Saving Private Ryan

Chariots of Fire

Michael Clayton

Slumdog Millionaire

In Bruges


I’m just the espresso
I don't like Blade Runner. I saw it a couple of years ago and I didn't like any of the characters and I thought it was so dull. It just bored me.

I don't like Blade Runner. I saw it a couple of years ago and I didn't like any of the characters and I thought it was so dull. It just bored me.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I turned off Blade Runner after 30 minutes. So I guess I'll add that to this thread.

The Artist
The Descendants
Recent Viewings (rewatches noted with an *)
Barbarian- (4/5)
Nope- (4.5/5)
Jurassic Park Dominion- 0.5/5
What Josiah Saw- (4.5/5)

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
The English Patient: With the possible exception of the first Rocky film this may be the most boring movie I've ever seen.

Aladdin: It wasn't God awful but it wasn't nearly as good as I remembered. Iago was kind of annoying, the songs were pretty dull, and Jafar's last wish made him look like a complete moron. The only real standout was Robin Williams as the Genie.
You will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.