Game of Thrones Season 2


In the Beginning...
Actually, speaking of Euron, Joseph Fiennes was awesome in the short-lived "Camelot" series. Very creepy, very gruff and mysterious. Might be a good fit.

Or maybe he'd make a good Qyburn later down the line...

The Adventure Starts Here!
Late to the party as usual. I'm two episodes away from the end of season 2 and just starting to read A Storm of Swords. Glad I read about Jaime's escape before seeing it dumped into season 2 instead of season 3. And I'm still confused about changes in Dany's storyline in terms of when they appear....

Meanwhile, the wildlings seem too clean and, well, snowy. I half expect to see them wearing night-vision goggles and/or scaling down walls a la the end of "Inception."

I'm okay with most of the casting, except our one-god goddess, who seems too old and not nearly vixen enough to seduce Stannis, who doesn't really seem the seduce-able type in the books.

I'm going to have to get halfway into ASOS before I watch these final two episodes of season 2... but my goal is to finish ASOS and get into AFFC before the March 31 premiere of season 3.

In the Beginning...
I'm going to have to get halfway into ASOS before I watch these final two episodes of season 2... but my goal is to finish ASOS and get into AFFC before the March 31 premiere of season 3.
I think you're alright to proceed. Episode 9 is nothing but the Battle of the Blackwater; and Episode 10, with one or two exceptions, doesn't venture into ASoS territory at all. It's maddening for different reasons, though, as much of it is different from the books and, in one case, terribly confusing.

Speaking of which, feeling loss of prophecies there.

Love to see Lovejoy get in the action as a Greyjoy. Al Sweargen would be most welcome addition

Nina Gold has pretty much knocked it out the park consistently.

I'm extremely curious how they'll tackle Dornish as it's not clear if they're meant to be Indian/hispanic etc. Viper will be next key piece of casting

In the Beginning...
This is a really, really good question. It seems most people take them for swarthy Spanish or Greek-looking folk, although I've always thought the Braavosi were supposed to be a bit of the Spanish/Italian variety. I've heard the Dornish called "Middle Eastern," especially given that they make their homes in an arid desert climate.

That said, I believe I might be the only person who imagined the Dornish as pseudo-Africans, with noticeably "black" people in the roles. I know I'm probably wrong about that, but that's the connection I made and I'm sticking with it.

Yeah, Middle Eastern makes sense to me. Or at least, that's the image I keep getting. Kinda hard not to, given the way Dorne is described.

I'm sure there'll be some mini controversy over the racial composition of the casting. There always is. But hey, at least this ambiguity gives them a lot of flexibility over that. They can pick from a wider pool; Italian actors, Greek actors, etc. I know that irks some people, but just in terms of being able to get the best people for the job, widening that net through this kind of ethnic ambiguity figures to help.

Always saw Dorne as middle Eastern look / southern Italy personality, personally. Could take it any way long as it's distinct. Imagine Bravos will be Spanish ish to relate to Syrio.

In the Beginning...
Speaking of Oberyn Martell... for the record, this is who I pictured. I realize he's probably not supposed to be black, but I think it still works pretty well.

No matter who plays the Red Viper, I'm hoping this guy, Peter Mensah, still plays someone. He's awesome.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Finally finished season 2 this morning. The whole Jon Snow/Ygritte thing is annoying me. Without Jon's internal monologue, it's unclear on screen that Jon kills Halfhand out of an extreme sense of loyalty and not the opposite.

And there is enough bleedthrough into A Storm of Swords that I almost wish I hadn't seen the end of season 2. (I'm not that far into ASOS.) The House of the Undying, for instance, was ridiculous compared to the book... and if any of the stuff that happened right after that happens in the books, I haven't gotten anywhere near that yet! Frustrating.

I often wonder how much Martin is agreeing with these plot changes, especially the ones that seem arbitrary and don't really need to happen in order to condense anything. As a writer, I'd find it more than a little annoying to see scenes I've labored over for specific reasons being rewritten by other people in my name.

At what point does the show have to start putting "Based on the characters of George R.R. Martin" in the credits?

Well, it's not THAT bad yet, of course. It's just that I'm reading and watching semi-concurrently and that's probably not a good thing. At least I have ten days to finish ASOS and get into AFFC before the new season starts...

The Adventure Starts Here!
Did someone state here recently that Ciaran Hinds wouldn't be good as Mance? Because I think he'll be great... except that perhaps he's a tad too old. A tad. But he's got the presence I'm picturing for the part (and all its buildup). At least, to me he does.

Although ol' Al Swearengen would work too, LOL.

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28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Are we going to discuss season 3 here now?
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