Favorite Documentaries


For Your Pleasure:
And especially for Nausica and Akatemplate
I've seen all of Michael Moore's work, and War Photographer thanks. The other two I'm not interested in.

I've seen all of Michael Moore's work, and War Photographer thanks. The other two I'm not interested in.
Acually Uncle Sadaam is not what you think it is: definitely not a boring documentary. You can call it a prelude to the regular movie that was later based on the true story of his youngest son Udei: The Devil's Double, which I found fascinating. This guy was a real life monster and makes Martyrs look like a wannabee horror story.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Has anyone seen these documentaries? They are called "Inside Natures Giants"

Inside Nature's Giants is a British science documentary, first broadcast in June 2009 by Channel 4. The documentary shows experts performing dissection on some of nature's largest animals, including whales and elephants.
The programme is presented by Mark Evans. The series attempts to uncover the secrets of the animals examined. Mark is assisted by evolutionary biologists Richard Dawkins and Simon Watt, and comparative anatomist Joy Reidenberg.[1]
Ive seen some of these on tv and found them really cool. If you get a chance I reccomend you guys check them out

So far over the 3 series they have dissected:

Series 1

- Elephant
- Whale
- Crocodile
- Giraffe

Series 2

- Great White Shark
- Monster Python
- Big Cats (Lion and Tiger)
- Giant Squid

Series 3

- Polar Bear
- Sperm Whale
- Camel
- Dinosaur Bird
- Leatherback Turtle
- Race horse
- Rouge Baboon

The season received the 2010 BAFTA Television Award for Best Specialist Factual
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Acually Uncle Sadaam is not what you think it is: definitely not a boring documentary. You can call it a prelude to the regular movie that was later based on the true story of his youngest son Udei: The Devil's Double, which I found fascinating. This guy was a real life monster and makes Martyrs look like a wannabee horror story.
The Devil's Double(the movie) was absolute rubbish with terrible wooden performances. I've read books on Saddam Hussein and his world, that's more than enough for me.

The Devil's Double(the movie) was absolute rubbish with terrible wooden performances. I've read books on Saddam Hussein and his world, that's more than enough for me.
Depend's what you are looking for in a movie. Obviously, I didn't watch it for it's art, but if you want to look at it from a historical perspective, even you would have to agree that it gave you an isight into Udai Khomeini's twisted life. Ah yes, I forgot: rubish can be justified throuh art as you see it ( Martyrs ). So let me get this, you have no problem sitting and watching 30 minutes of non-stop torture and the calling it art but the Devil's Double is absolute rubbish ( inspite of it's interesting story line )? Well, maybe you are right, there certainly weren't enough torture scenes in the Devil's Double to qulify as art and the main character of the movie portrayed a double, hence the " wooden performances " .

A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies - my favorite ^^
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Thin Blue Line
A documentary about a man who is falsely charged with murder. This film was one of the main reasons he was exonerated.

A documentary of the Amish tradition of "Rumspringa", a practice where the Amish youth are allowed to experience life outside the Amish community. If they decide to come back to the community they must follow Amish belief or they will be shunned.

A documentary of the Israeli hostage crisis that occurred at the Munich Olympics.

Baseball by ken Burns
A documentary that covers baseball by the decade from the beginning to the 1980's.