Rate The Last Movie You Saw


If you didn't like it you should give a bad rating. Giving it points only because it is artsy is nonsense.
Not true, reading over the last few posts should explain this. I didn't really dislike it, I just didn't get it and it felt cold to me. As said ratings don't always tell the full story when it comes to a film, with ratings I try to judge with a bit of objectivity and applaud it for its merits too, even if I wasn't able to connect with it. Like I said, I didn't dislike it to give it a bad rating, or like it to give it a good rating, what the hell, this is already explained in the last few posts really.

The Girl Next Door (2007)

Stand By Me meets The Hills Have Eyes.

The family in this are seriously sick and depraved, a very shocking and powerful tale.

Finished here. It's been fun.

The Girl Next Door (2007)

Stand By Me meets The Hills Have Eyes.

The family in this are seriously sick and depraved, a very shocking and powerful tale.
Woah that sounds awesome. Might have to check this one out.

The Girl Next Door is very loosely based on the Sylvia Likens murder case from Indiana in the 60s. Check out An American Crime for a much more disturbing, accurate depiction of the story.

The Girl Next Door is very loosely based on the Sylvia Likens murder case from Indiana in the 60s. Check out An American Crime for a much more disturbing, accurate depiction of the story.
I'll check that out, when I red the wiki page about the case I was literally shaking. Shame that the perpetrator is completely free
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Red Lights AKA Psychic Busters AKA NOT

Ok, here's a movie I didn't like. Nope. Not. No good.

Sort of horror film, sort of thriller, sort of mystery.

From scene one the acting was meh to bad. Cillian Murphy mostly did a basically decent job, but in a movie where scenes were so stupid there was just no way for it not to feel stagey. Sigourney Weaver, look, I love this woman. I had the biggest crush on Ellen Ripley, no joke. Still have it . But here, she didn't convince me, it was the kind of character I've seen her done before, and it's not her best either.

For Bobby, I'd have to get into spoiler territory. But without doing that, I think he was good. The first shot of him is ****ing stupid, but it gets better later. The thing is even though I liked him, he doesn't play the character he's supposed to play. Can't say more. Now, after seeing him in this, I wouldn't mind seeing him play something badass like a demon or the devil or something, because he gets a couple awesome scenes (in terms of him, not the rest of it) creepy and exhilarating. Loved to see him play this. But again, this is not his character. I was dissapointed once it was all said and done. Still, I was happy to see him doing those couple good scenes.

Sometimes it was trippy type horror, there were some failed attempts at jump scare horror, sometimes it went into a more Rosemary's Baby type horror, sometimes it was a mystery-thriller type movie. Not too good as any of them. Other than those couple scenes I mentioned, I thoroughly did not enjoy it. I already thought it was a bad movie, but I wasn't angry really, it was just a bad movie. And then I got to THE ****ING ENDING. Oh no. That ending, no, no, no, don't do this, movie. It cheated. It pissed me off. **** this movie.

? I don't know, I don't do ratings well. ********, that's the rating I give it.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
That means you disliked it. Not "getting it" essentially means you liked it less than the people who praise the movie.
Not necessarily. There's a distinct difference between disliking a film and not "getting it" (since that's the term we're using), and no, it's not pretentiousness. Doesn't this relate back to films you appreciated more after a second viewing? Not all films (or books or art) reveals itself entirely while you watch (or read or see) it. A lot of films (including your favorite by good old Terry Malick) don't obviously present to the audience a clear plot structure or guidelines to follow, why should they? Some films require thinking about them before you'll actually understand them, if films didn't cause you to think not only during, but after the film, it'd be a boring medium. Late Spring didnt hit me until 3 days after watching it. I hardly laughed at Playtime until my third viewing, and now I think it's one of the best comedies of all time. I watch every Wong Kar-Wai film twice, first for plot, then for style. I know you're on a crusade against pretentiousness, but your claims need more logical support and less logical fallacies. And please stop using the claim that people who like movies you don't are lying or are inherently malintentioned. Nobody's trying to mislead you, just trying to interest people in film as an art form.

A movie that is a juke box musical (usually not my cup of tea), takes great liberties from it's original source material, replaces what it took out of the play with Hollywood cliches, and is very safe considering some of the topics and situations the film deals with. And ya know what? I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT! A film that never fails to bring a smile to my face, and my guiltiest of guilty pleasures!

Disconnect (2012) ~ 8/10

This was a great film. I loved how the stories interwove with each other. Excellent performances by the actors. I wont give the details of the film out but it deals with real every day issues involving the internet.

Vampyr 8/10

The Wolfman (2010) 7/10
both are great films. I love the feel of "The Wolfman (2010)." It had the feel of a classic Monster film.

That means you disliked it. Not "getting it" essentially means you liked it less than the people who praise the movie.
Well Bluedeed's response is spot on. But in simple terms I am a believer that there is a difference between a movie you didn't enjoy, and a bad movie. Movies deserve to be discussed and analysis on their merits regardless of whether you fully 'got' the experience, as you can't expect to fully understand or experience a film, and punish it because you didn't.

Side by Side (Christopher Keanneally, 2012)

A very interesting documentary to watch for anybody interested in films, it's interesting to hear what all different directors had to say about film, but it worked better as a history lesson rather than a debate/discussion over digital. It would of perhaps been more interesting to hear directors elaborate and discuss with others there opinions, instead it was a more factual presentation allowing you to make up your own mind.

The Wolfman (2010) 7/10
Ignore me

Can you expand on this?

For those who haven't seen it, it's a really ****ed up film, but well worth the watch, if you can stomach it.

Can you expand on this?

For those who haven't seen it, it's a really ****ed up film, but well worth the watch, if you can stomach it.
****ed up in what sense?

I didn't watch the original, but I'm not a big fan of this one.