The 11th Hall of Fame


I loved The Nice Guys, so I am expecting to like Kiss Kiss quite a bit. One of those I should have seen by now because it is my taste, but it has just slipped through the cracks.
I thought i had posted about Kiss Kiss Bang Bang on the site before but all i found was this -

Only posting because Cole said he really loved The Nice Guys but wasn't crazy about KKBB. I think that's why i lost a little interest in watching The Nice Guys but i don't even remember this. Apparently this was in May and i watched KKBB a few weeks earlier i honestly thought i watched it in January or something.

Probably about two. It's cause i'm hosting, he seems to want to hate everything i like or it's just a serious of really weird coincidences.

Either way, enjoy.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
Dir. Shane Black
Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Val Kilmer

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang may be be your typical noir-esque detective story, but it has plenty of tongue-in-cheek humour and great chemistry between the lead actors to keep you interested throughout. As I've already said in the thread, this film is an annual tradition for me and my friends due to its incidental festive setting, but also because it's highly entertaining, even upon repeat viewings. With every plot complication, the situation becomes more and more ridiculous, to the point of being borderline cartoonish. In this case, instead of detracting from the film as a whole, I think it just adds to its charm.

I wasn't a huge fan of Shane Black's Nice Guys, and I feel like my love for this movie is partly to blame for that. I went into Nice Guys expecting KKBB2, but I left rather disappointed. I do sometimes wonder if I'd feel the opposite way if I had seen The Nice Guys first, but the characters, the action, and the quirky dialogue just all seem to work better in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, or at least they do for me. It just seems to strike the right balance.

If you want something entirely serious, this definitely isn't the movie for you. But if you want something that's part homage, part parody, and occasionally pretty witty, then I hope you give this movie a chance.

Added yours to the first post. Just wanted to tell you that so you know you no longer have to go back one page to find Miss Vicky's post. You can now go back to the first page; scroll to the bottom of the first post and click on the one labelled "Miss Vicky".

You are welcome.

The Dead Girl (Karen Moncrieff, 2006)

Date Watched: 9/16/16
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: The 11th MoFo Hall of Fame
Rewatch: No

Well, I asked for heavy...

The Dead Girl presents the stories of five women - each affected in different ways by the actions of a serial killer. One finds the body of one of the victims. Another believes that body to be her sister, who went missing 15 years prior. The third is the mother of the victim, who discovers the full tragedy of her daughter's life when she comes to identify the body. The fourth is frustrated wife who must face facts when she discovers the secret her unloving husband has been hiding. And the fifth is the victim herself.

The premise of the story is interesting and the film is carried in the capable hands of its talented cast - including Brittany Murphy, Toni Collette, Giovanni Ribisi, Rose Byrne, James Franco, Mary Steenburgen, Kerry Washington, and Josh Brolin - who all turn in solid performances. Yet it somehow feels incomplete.

We get only brief glimpses into the characters lives and not enough of each to for me to truly connect with any. There are lots of open ends and unanswered questions. Add to that a complete lack of levity - with layer upon agonizing layer of depressing - and you have me being thankful that it's just under 90 minutes long. It strikes me as a film with a very good concept but disappointing execution.


Probably about two. It's cause i'm hosting, he seems to want to hate everything i like or it's just a serious of really weird coincidences.

Either way, enjoy.
Nah dude, it's not you. I feel like that sometimes, too. He's just a sour puppy.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Got Cosmics nom. I'll try to do the reveal soon, not got enough time to do it right now as i'm going out to eat shortly. gbg and Vamp are still maybes as far as i'm aware and if everyone is ok with it i'm fine with them still joining after the reveal as long as it isn't a long while after we've started. Think gbg might make her decision after she sees the noms in case she thinks something looks too gory or whatever. There's only one that i think could be but i'm just going off the title i know nothing about it.

Actually, the reason I was waiting to make a decision about joining this HoF is because we're still having power and gas problems here at the co-op, and it's been killing my schedule. (That's why I've been online mostly at night for the past few months.) We were supposed to have some kind of pressure test done earlier this week, but I think the co-op may have failed again because we never got any notice about the results.

But I looked at the nominations, and I'm going to pass on this HoF either way. At a glance, it looks like about half the nominated movies are foreign films, (non-English), and of the noms that are left, there's one that I've seen and I love, one that I've seen and I liked, two that I've seen but didn't like, and the one English movie that I haven't seen doesn't sound like my kind of movie.

I'll probably try to watch (or rewatch) some of the movies anyway, but I've decided against joining this time.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Raul's cool, I think he's just saying he's not really into some of the noms this time around. So no big deal and I can understand that, as each Hof has some noms that I am not looking forward to watching.

But I looked at the nominations, and I'm going to pass on this HoF either way. At a glance, it looks like about half the nominated movies are foreign films
Because foreign equals bad?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Because foreign equals bad?

No, foreign doesn't mean bad. I just don't like reading subtitles because my vision isn't very good, and my TV is too small for subtitles, so I tend to rewind a lot or miss parts of the movie, so they take me out of the movie. There are a few foreign movies that I've liked, but overall, the subtitles just remind me that I'm watching a movie, so I don't get into them the way most other people do, and I usually like them less than they deserve.

Raul's cool, I think he's just saying he's not really into some of the noms this time around. So no big deal and I can understand that, as each Hof has some noms that I am not looking forward to watching.
I get what you're saying but I think raul can be way too negative sometimes. I think he says stuff without realizing they often come off as disses, even if he doesn't mean to, and I think Camo might have felt that way about it.

Besides, just personally speaking I completely disagree with him. Like I said earlier there's no clear winner this time, and that makes this one of the better set of noms I've seen.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Joking Raul but why so harsh ?
I'm not sure. Was just a feeling. Doesn't mean I won't be participating.

I've only seen 3 so maybe I'm being too judgemental

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Besides, just personally speaking I completely disagree with him. Like I said earlier there's no clear winner this time, and that makes this one of the better set of noms I've seen.
But I do agree with this Swan.