Robin Williams RIP


I love how Lauren Bacall gets pushed to the bottom of the front page. She really picked the wrong time to die. She's like Farrah Fawcett to Robin Williams' Michael Jackson.

"FIRST! -- Oh, *****, second...... "

I wonder if the estate held back news of her death for a day?

She's now in the Mother Terresa Club. Know who died the same day as her?
5-time MoFo Award winner.

“Robin Williams felt guilty that he was still alive while his three friends had died young, and much earlier than he had,” Limbaugh said on his show, referring to Williams’ colleagues John Belushi, Andy Kaufman, and Christopher Reeve. “He could never get over the guilt that they died and he didn’t. “Well, that is a constant measurement that is made by political leftists in judging the country.” - Rush Limbaugh

Listen wherever you sit on the political spectrum, this is pretty tasteless. Let's spin every death into a political propaganda spill Rush. And did Robin Williams even hang out with those 3 or work with them in any facet? Go away Rush. Far away.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
“Robin Williams felt guilty that he was still alive while his three friends had died young, and much earlier than he had,” Limbaugh said on his show, referring to Williams’ colleagues John Belushi, Andy Kaufman, and Christopher Reeve. “He could never get over the guilt that they died and he didn’t. “Well, that is a constant measurement that is made by political leftists in judging the country.” - Rush Limbaugh

Listen wherever you sit on the political spectrum, this is pretty tasteless. Let's spin every death into a political propaganda spill Rush. And did Robin Williams even hang out with those 3 or work with them in any facet? Go away Rush. Far away.

I don't know if Robin Williams had any friendship with Andy Kaufman, but he definitely had a very good friendship with both Christopher Reeve and John Belushi.

Robin Williams and Christopher Reeve were best friends for many years, since they were roommates at Julliard. Robin Williams was devastated by the loss of Christopher Reeve.

Here's a link to an article about what Christopher Reeve's family is saying about the loss of Robin Williams.

Robin Williams and John Belushi were also friends. In fact, Robin Williams was one of the last people to see John Belushi alive. He was with him the night before he died.

Robin Williams and Andy Kaufman were friendly, but not friends. He briefly describes their relationship in the interview with Marc Maron I linked to. Basically he says he only remembers one interaction with him where Andy wasn't doing one character or another, and even that was short lived. So he admired him professionally, of course, but they were not close.

Both Robin Williams and Robert DeNiro had been to see Belushi at the Chateau Marmont the day he died, but were gone before the overdose.

And Rush Limbaugh is a frickin' tool, but this is not new information.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

The more I think about it, the more I feel like saying Robin Williams' suicide was "hysterical" was wrong. I'm not sure why I had that reaction. I guess I'm just trying to make sense of the whole thing and see something positive about it.

It does strike me as absurd that Robin Williams committed suicide. I do wonder what all was going through his mind. I do still think it's alright if you wanna strangely laugh about it all. Laughing's better than crying. If a tragedy struck me and I found myself laughing hysterically rather than crying, I don't care how crazy it might be, thank you Jesus for giving me laughter instead of tears.

I guess that for Robin Williams, it just seems more right to laugh than to cry. Even when it comes to this. He can't make us laugh anymore, but you can always get crazy and laugh at the idea that, of all things, Robin Williams died by hanging himself. I mean it was so unexpected and it just seems like something a clown or a mime would do to end their life. Haven't you ever seen a mime mime himself committing suicide? If not, you can imagine it -- a mime putting a rope over his head, choking, pretending to die. That reminds me of Robin Williams. There's just something kind of weirdly fitting about it all to me. It happened, we can't ever change it. Robin Williams will still be a face of suicide 100 years from now. It's a part of him now. I don't care what mental illness caused it -- suicide is now part of Robin's legacy. We have to embrace that. And when we all first learned of this, I know that I was taken back and just absolutely floored by it. It's one thing to be dead -- it's another to be dead from suicide.

This was a new thing for me. I've seen LOTS of people die -- I've never seen anyone, that I was close to -- and Robin Williams, even though I never knew him, was CLOSE to me as he could be -- I've never had someone close like that commit suicide. That was a first. Sure, I know of other people who've committed suicide, but nobody was that close to me emotionally.

I cannot believe this. This makes me soooo angry.
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds:
Fire walk with me.

At this point we should be ignoring them, rather than validating them by bothering to get outraged all over again. Their religion is trolling.

I sometimes wish a madman would get a machine gun and blast them all away as they're standing out there. Or someone bombs their church. Anything to scare them to stay the hell away.

That would be even worse than what they do.

I don't see any point in giving awful people any kind of audience in here. Better for it to be about the man himself.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
I sometimes wish a madman would get a machine gun and blast them all away as they're standing out there. Or someone bombs their church. Anything to scare them to stay the hell away.
When they tried to show up at a funeral for a kid that died in Sandy Hook, they were met by a ton of angry bikers. Needless to say they went home. Maybe that needs to happen again.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

When they tried to show up at a funeral for a kid that died in Sandy Hook, they were met by a ton of angry bikers.
For Robin Williams, they need to be met by a ton of angry bikers dressed as Mrs. Doubtfire.

Hostility only validates their beliefs. Either ignore them or try to do something motivated by love or joy to counteract their hate.

I haven't seen anything that didn't have Robin Williams in it since he passed away. I've always considered myself a big fan but his death made me realise how little of his work I'd actually seen. I guess it goes to show how versatile and complete a performer he was that everyone you ask has a film or performance of his that they remember well or were influenced by, even if, like me, that was their only exposure to him. For me those were Aladdin and Jumanji from my childhood and Good Will Hunting and Dead Poets Society from when I first really started getting into movies - but I wanted to catch up on what I hadn't yet seen and try to celebrate his career more broadly. I've seen these over the past few days and enjoyed all of them:

Mrs. Doubtfire
One Hour Photo
Good Morning, Vietnam
World's Greatest Dad

Hostility only validates their beliefs. Either ignore them or try to do something motivated by love or joy to counteract their hate.
You could kill them all -- it wouldn't validate anything. Not that I actually think they ought to be killed... but they do sometimes make me feel that way.

BTW, while watching Patch Adams, I noticed something freaky -- Philip Seymour Hoffman is in it.

He plays Robin Williams' roommate. Yes, Skepsis, you need to see Patch Adams if you haven't yet.

I was like, damn -- both of these guys died in the same year.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Hostility only validates their beliefs. Either ignore them or try to do something motivated by love or joy to counteract their hate.
I agree. I thought when Fred Phelps died and instead of some people laughing and rejoicing in it they held up signs saying "Sorry for your loss, " that it sent a very good message.

How much longer is Robin Williams going to be dead? I'd really like to see him do Mrs. Doubtfire 2 before he gets too old (although, since Mrs. Doubtfire is an old woman, that might not matter.)

This article kind of makes me angry:

Robin Williams Didn't Kill Himself

Robin Williams did not kill himself. His disease, whatever it was, killed him.
Now, as you know, I'm a person who doesn't even believe in free will. Nothing you do is ever really something you truly control, including if you kill yourself.

This article also states:

UPDATE: I want to make very clear that this post is NOT about validating suicide but encouraging treatment of mental illness. Please, if you are suffering from a mental illness, do not feel hopeless, as there are so many ways to get help.

I have also modified and deleted any mention of the word “choice”. Using this word is highly polarizing and makes the discussion black and white. What matters is that mental illness can be a killer, and we need to treat it as such.
You know what?

I'm sick of this excusing what Robin Williams did as merely his "depression."

I believe in depression. I believe it can make you suicidal and kill yourself. But you know what? Not every depressed person does it. And I don't think it's actually a scientific fact that depression absolutely caused Robin Williams' suicide. Robin Williams did NOT have to die. Something could have prevented Robin from killing himself. As depressed as he was, something could have changed the outcome. It's just unfortunate that nothing did. That nothing saved him in time. But I'm not buying into this, "Robin's depression killed him. Robin did not actually kill himself."

Robin Williams killed himself. No matter what was going on with him, he ultimately took his own life. Saying, "Oh, Robin Williams DIDN'T kill himself. It was his disease. It is a SAD SIGN OF THE TIMES that people are actually saying Robin killed himself." -- for me, it is a sad sign of the times that you're saying he didn't actually kill himself.

Robin Williams killed himself. HE DIDN'T HAVE TO. I don't care how sick he was -- HE DIDN'T HAVE TO. I think we should emphasize that fact instead of getting everybody to mope around and feel like victims of their own mind and their own body. And I say this as someone who doesn't believe in free will. THERE'S ALWAYS A CHOICE TO NOT KILL YOURSELF. Only in certain cases where people have lost all rationality and have gone completely insane is it maybe impossible to stop yourself from killing yourself. I really don't believe that Robin Williams had actually reached that plateau. I think he reached a certain kind of plateau, but I think it was probably one he could have turned away from, if he had been lucky to maybe have someone there to talk him out of it or restrain him from it.

This "let's think about depression" thing going on since he killed himself is really irritating me. Let's actually think about people and what we could do for them and what we could teach them about living.

Lesson #1:

Don't believe that depression is necessarily going to make you kill yourself. There's a choice not to kill yourself. I dare say Robin Williams is no inspiration for committing suicide. The man did something stupid. Plain and simple. Thinking about his depression doesn't change that. He is no hero for what he did. Great guy in life, upsetting guy in death. His death WRACKS people because everyone loved him and nobody wanted to see him off himself. He made a stupid, stupid mistake. Suicide is your choice, and it may feel hard to not succumb to it, but I think it can be prevented and that you can prevent yourself from committing it if you really want to.