

Is it time for term limits yet, or what?
And rank choice voting please.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

I really don't think we'd be more efficient with more political parties in the house (Israel)
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Outdoor dining here in Connecticut has been a success. Repurposed sidewalks & some road space has made for very attractive spots to eat & drink. What’s gonna happen in the Fall though? Maybe outdoor dining will make it through October, but nobody’s going to dine outside in November through the rest of the wInter. I seriously worry about how these businesses can possibly survive.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
It's all kicking off in the UK again.

About time. Annoyed at having to wear a mask in shops and supermarkets yet the workers in the shops didn't have to, and now they have to! Today it was made mandatory for retail workers to finally wear masks.

Found it ridiculous that customers had to wear a mask yet the workers didn't.

Yesterday in the supermarket I turned to see who was having a coughing fit and it was one of the supermarket workers who wasn't wearing a mask and not even using her hand to cover her mouth...

Thank you Boris, finally.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Yesterday in the supermarket I turned to see who was having a coughing fit and it was one of the supermarket workers who wasn't wearing a mask and not even using her hand to cover her mouth...
Stupid people.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
About time. Annoyed at having to wear a mask in shops and supermarkets yet the workers in the shops didn't have to, and now they have to! Today it was made mandatory for retail workers to finally wear masks.

Found it ridiculous that customers had to wear a mask yet the workers didn't.

Yesterday in the supermarket I turned to see who was having a coughing fit and it was one of the supermarket workers who wasn't wearing a mask and not even using her hand to cover her mouth...

Thank you Boris, finally.
For the record I've been wearing them in my shop all day 10-11 hours.

However we are not enforcing it for customers, I'm not fighting that battle 20 times a day.

Welcome to the human race...
In fairness, I think using your hand to cover your mouth would just exacerbate the situation because then you've got germs on your hand that you use to touch objects and such, but yeah.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Most annoying thing now is we have to self evaluate on a phone app called Accolade. It ask you questions and you just mark "no" on them and you are "cleared to work".

Once you get to work, they take your temperature and make sure your "Accolade" clears you to work. I just reuse my work masks for anything later. I hate that it makes me sweat around my face area.

No New Year’s Eve crowds this year in Times Square. First time in 114 years, I think they said.

And the NYC Metropolitan Opera, which hasn’t been open since March, has cancelled the 2020-2021 season. Which means that the opera house will be closed until at least next September. Catastrophic for an institution like this.

You ready? You look ready.

Seeing lots of chin straps.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Listen here, pal. Not all of us can grow a full beard.

Go to Trader Joe's, 100% mask compliance.

Target, you may get a stray anti-masker that stumbled in.

Walmart...Welcome to the Thunderdome.

so I found out today that my mom's roommate has COVID. My son lives in the same house as well. My mom has been around my daughter within the past week. I have been around both of my children as well the last week. My mom was more concerned about my daughter knowing as my daughter works around animals at our zoo. I hope all is fine and no one catches it (son, daughter, mom, myself). My mom is 80 yrs old.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
so I found out today that my mom's roommate has COVID. My son lives in the same house as well. My mom has been around my daughter within the past week. I have been around both of my children as well the last week. My mom was more concerned about my daughter knowing as my daughter works around animals at our zoo. I hope all is fine and no one catches it (son, daughter, mom, myself). My mom is 80 yrs old.
I'm sorry to hear that this has hit so close to home for you. I hope that everyone is okay.

My in-laws are in their 80s, and they have health issues, so they're considered high risk. They haven't left their house since March.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

But 25 million recovered globally.
Doesn't help the poor million-plus that died much does it.