Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Donnie Darko is a
WARNING: "explanation" spoilers below
superhero and he uses his powers to change time and save his family at the sacrifice of his own life.

I was the exact same way with Donnie Darko. Had no idea what happened but just knew it was amazing! Did you watch the Director's Cut? I've heard that the theatrical cut is even more confusing, I think I saw the theatrical once when my sister rented it when it came out in '01 but I was so young that I only remembered the ending.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Donnie Darko is really...

WARNING: "Explanation" spoilers below
a messiah who saves his families life by existing out of time sync.

Donnie Darko is really...

WARNING: "Explanation" spoilers below
a messiah who saves his families life by existing out of time sync.
If you listen to the directors commentary it explains whats going on.

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matt, you mostly just listen to movies, right, kind of like they were radio broadcasts? You seem to have no use for visuals, just care about dialogue and subject matter. It certainly consistently seems that way.
I'm interested mostly in the writing, acting, and the story.. Cinematography isn't a big deal to me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Matt you might try a movie that is similar to Days of Heaven...that would be Heaven's Gate. It also has beautiful cinematography but with a more compelling story. I think the issues and moralities it explores would interest you. Though the prolog and the epilog parts of the film could be skipped.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
I'm interested mostly in the writing, acting, and the story.. Cinematography isn't a big deal to me.
A ninety minute film has 60 minutes of filler??

Just because you're more interested in writing and acting doesn't mean that the other parts aren't there. How are you supposed to enjoy something (and evaluate it, as you've done here) when you're only looking at 1/3 of it?

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
A Bittersweet Life (2005) - Jee-Woon Kim

- Awesome recommendation Minio!! so badass all movie long and some epic fighting scenes. I love the story the back-story with the girl and the music scenes are stunning. Byung-hun Lee is slowly becoming a favorite of mine after I Saw The Devil and this movie. Entertaining, badass and amazing movie. The Last 20min of it are perfect.
Saw this about a week or two ago; EXCELLENT movie!!

speaking of Byung-hun Lee have you seen Masquerade or The Good, The Bad, and The Weird? Definitely shows his range. Damn fine actor.

Kurosawa's Nora inu (Stray Dogs) (Japan 1949)
++ Had never heard of this one and my room mate Ana found it at the library. WHAT A FIND!!

(REWATCH) Casino Royale
The very promising reboot. Gonna go through the next few of Craig's Bond in the next few weeks.

(REWATCH) Luther season 1
++ First season of the BBC detective series. Quite the engaging TV series.

Ok...thanks a bunch to the guys that commented on the Donnie Darko thing, it helped me understand it...I guess...anyway, I think I'll have to re-watch it. Still, thanks a bunch

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Matt you might try a movie that is similar to Days of Heaven...that would be Heaven's Gate. It also has beautiful cinematography but with a more compelling story. I think the issues and moralities it explores would interest you. Though the prolog and the epilog parts of the film could be skipped.
I once rented it, but the movie was scratched.. I don't have much interest in cinematography. Maybe some of my favorite movies have them, but that's not why I love them.

I heard "Heaven's Gate" ruined UA

I heard a week ago or so Cimino is now a woman. Probably not making movies.

I think it might be the first time I heard a film fan say that one of the main elements in cinema don't interest them. That's kind of fascinating.

I don't judge you or anything here, Matt, but it just sounds weird to me not finding interest in such an important element in film. I could understand if you had said sound mixing or whatever, but the visual side of things is a pretty big thing in movies and how it presents the other elements of the film and how it makes the audience feel and so on.

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I guess we'd all have to be specific on the "visuals" -- before we get to that, if the movie doesn't have great writing, acting, story, it won't be saved by other things... For example, "special effects" will never get me to watch a movie.

I think Mark went a bit far with comparing my movie viewing to listening to a radio. A different kind of zoom can change the emotion, but it's the emotion that's important. Some do it visually, some directors do it with the music, or with a line of dialogue.

"A Clockwork Orange" for example. Like films before in the 60's, style was a bigger factor than it was in the past. It works for some movies, but certain visuals can also distract. Speaking of that film, the people I've personally talked to never emphasize the themes - society, behavior, motivations, the criminal justice system, but instead on the sex and violence ONLY.

I saw a film when I was at a friend's house weeks ago. It was a love scene, and it was so long. In the 50's, the second they kissed, the lights would go down, and you got a dissolve, but your imagination could imagination the next 30 minutes or so, leaving more time to get on telling as much story as possible. Notice how many films are at exactly 1hr and 59 minutes (marketing and business), and with such little time, I think a director should put in as much as possible to communicate with the viewer.

It's not just film either, it's similar with music. Some just repeat and repeat, or wait til a few songs later, and play the same chord structure, changing the root from Dm (a more sad tone) to G for example, or have the same chords but changing the rhythm a bit - I think there are things "artists" of all sorts do that's kinda mugging the audience. Besides performing, I've watched a lot of film, music, comedy, etc., and I'm not talking self-indulgence either, which is fine, an artist should do whatever they want, but a viewer should also say how they feel.

Trick 'R Treat (2007) - Michael Dougherty

- I love that movie. it's my third rewatch and I find it brilliant each time. Every five interwoven stories are awesome, casting is great, some hot chicks and The little Trick 'r Treat guy is great. The atmosphere and the mood is great for a horror movie and Michael Dougherty announce a sequel so I cannot wait to watch it.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

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John Holmes was it?
No, two lesbians, and it wasn't "Warm is the Bluest Color" which I saw as well.

I remember many years ago, the only thing I heard about "Basic Instinct 2" was "You get to see Sharon Stone's vagina for 2 seconds" - people are being titilated and used, and I'm sure it sold well, but that's never been the measure for me. A few weeks I was talking to a friend about $ and film, and we looked up the Top 50 Grossing Films ever, and they are in no way the BEST 50 movies, or even close and I remember quite a lot that were junk.

I hate censorship, I love the freedom, but discretion would be nice.

Isn't it just like the news? All they care is for you to keep watching, edge of your seat, using fear and not what's going on necessarily. "Gotchya" moments, 5-second sound clips, baiting and trolling, gossip, making our lives and our world so trivial.

I remember many years ago, the only thing I heard about "Basic Instinct 2" was "You get to see Sharon Stone's vagina for 2 seconds" - people are being titilated and used, and I'm sure it sold well, but that's never been the measure for me
People have always been titillated and used. There's nothing new there. Quality and sales rarely coincide unless the quality is the sales point.

Flypaper (2011)

This movie surprised me, You like comedies? WE GOT YOU! You like Mysteries? WE GOT YOU! You like Heist movies? Well....we kind of got you. This movie is one of the funniest movies I've seen in recent years, it came out 4 years ago too why the hell have I not heard about this movie before (I've looked online and many don't like it lol)??? The entire cast is great and the movie is so weird, cooky and crazy and whatever other word you wanna use for insane, but in a good way. There is a line in here about dentists that I lost it over. Treat yourself and watch this....