Movies you couldn't even finish.


I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Amehdeus directed by Mehlos Forman
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

You’re the disease, and I’m the cure.
Forest Gump (1995):
I know I know, I was much younger and may try again. But I found the performance a bit goofy at times.
“I really have to feel that I could make a difference in the movie, or I shouldn't be doing it.“
Joe Dante

Batman and Robin

Forest Gump (1995):But I found the performance a bit goofy at times.
It’s supposed to be “goofy”.

Lame movie that consistently missed its mark.

Really? I always thought this movie was something of a masterpiece!
(Ah, but I do see it has a 2 hour & 40 minute runtime.)
I found this like a typical sentimental narrative if that phrase making sense. im in no mood for flashback things and the length didn't help as well.
i think the guy that played Salieri did very well though mozart himself is aching-- im not sure they want to accurately portray him as a difficult prodigy or just an annoying clown.

Harjunpää & pahan pappi (2010)
A Finnish noir (or something). Despite being a Finn, I'm just not compatible with Finnish movies. In less than 40 minutes I came to the conclusion that this one looks ugly (horrible lighting), has all the cliches I hate in Finnish crime films and series (especially how everything is always related to the main character), and clumsy use of flashbacks screwed up the pacing.

Couldn't get through Enter The Void. That stuff is crazy.

Eyes Wide Shut, absolutely hated this film.

Too many others to list.
There are things about Eyes Wide Shut I don't understand, but I still find the film endlessly fascinating. I can definitely understand someone hating it though.

Interesting story, but even the talents of Adrien Brody & Forest Whitaker couldn’t save this movie.

So lame.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Wild Wild West.
Walked right out of that.
That's ironic, as I tried to find that movie this morning to watch. Sadly no luck in finding it.. but I did find a whole bunch episodes of the 60s TV show by the same name.

This will probably raise some eyebrows, but I couldn't finish From Russia With Love. After the scene where Bond and Red meet on the train, my interest took a nosedive.

Victim of The Night
That's ironic, as I tried to find that movie this morning to watch. Sadly no luck in finding it.. but I did find a whole bunch episodes of the 60s TV show by the same name.
You dodged a bullet, man.