Luis' Movie Log for 2018 (excluding new releases)

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59. La Famille Bélier (2014)

Director: Eric Lartigau

Another great film from this HoF, I've had such a pleasant time so far. This film does very interesting things with tone, and the blending of genres. At first I had a little bit of trouble deciphering what kind of impact the movie wanted to leave on me, there was so much satire blended into the usual shenanigans of what a drama film is. I picked a pace that worked best for me later on and the film kept me in its grip with its arresting attitude.

I may be a little biased, but every film that delves into the world of singing interests me, as I love the art of vocalization and the complexities that can come from one's singing voice, and the film executed the latter quite well. At first I found the family story line to fracture the personal journey of our lead, but as the film progressed I learned to care for the characters. The film is also very entertaining, there's not really a block of time that I felt hurt the pace, I was entertained from beginning to end. And the ending is magical, the final audition scene was very heartfelt and it tied up what the overlying theme of the film is so nicely. My last negative would be the very limited choices of shots they decided to use. While that last scene is great and heartfelt, I think it could've been earthshakingly emotional if they decided to match the emotion of the scene with the camera.; a couple of close ups, pans and movements could've helped, but things are just shot and cut so simplistically. Overall a great film, its inconsistencies with tone aren't bad enough to take away from the brilliant moments.

SCORE - 86/100

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60. Monsters Inc (2001)

Director: Pete Docter

Many would consider this one of Pixar's crown jewels, and it's not hard to see why. Very original premise whose complexities are so well realized, hilarious script and smart character interactions and a sweet central story to warm your heart. This is one of my essential childhood films, and one of the main reasons I love Pixar. While I do love a good handful of Pixar's other films more than this one, it would be foolish to deny how great it is.

SCORE - 89/100

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61. Monsters University (2013)

Director: Dan Scanlon

I actually love this one as well! Its storytelling and creativity is not nearly as sophisticated as the original film, and the film does feel very unnecessary, but it's so effective at telling its story. The comedy is fantastic, the character interactions are, again great, it's a very fun example of your usual college flick, and the ending is fantastic. I know not many people consider this one great, especially in comparison to the other films, but I still have so much fun watching it.

SCORE - 80/100

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62. Finding Nemo (2003)

Director: Andrew Stanton

This film is an essential example of the mastery of Pixar. This is one of those films that doesn't need an explanation to why it's so great, you should just know. It presents forward a narrative that is so emotionally gripping, and it uses it to power an incredible adventure. In turn you have an incredibly fun film, yet it still never loses the weight of what's at stake. Amazing characters with complete arcs, beautiful animation, emotionally gripping, hilarious, and incredibly fun to watch. Finding Nemo is a masterpiece.

SCORE - 100/100

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
60. Monsters Inc (2001)

Director: Pete Docter

Many would consider this one of Pixar's crown jewels, and it's not hard to see why. Very original premise whose complexities are so well realized, hilarious script and smart character interactions and a sweet central story to warm your heart. This is one of my essential childhood films, and one of the main reasons I love Pixar. While I do love a good handful of Pixar's other films more than this one, it would be foolish to deny how great it is.

SCORE - 89/100
Monsters Inc. is one of my favorite movies, not just one of my favorite Pixar movies.

61. Monsters University (2013)

Director: Dan Scanlon

I actually love this one as well! It's storytelling and creativity is not nearly as sophisticated as the original film, and the film does feel very unnecessary, but it's so effective at telling its story. The comedy is fantastic, the character interactions are, again great, it's a very fun example of your usual college flick, and the ending is fantastic. I know not many people consider this one great, especially in comparison to the other films, but I still have so much fun watching it.

SCORE - 80/100

I also liked Monsters University, but I understand why many parents didn't like it. It sent a bad message to kids because it showed them that they can do the wrong thing, but they can still win in the end.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
62. Finding Nemo (2003)

Director: Andrew Stanton

This film is an essential example of the mastery of Pixar. This is one of those films that doesn't need an explanation to why it's so great, you should just know. It presents forward a narrative that is so emotionally gripping, and it uses it to power an incredible adventure. In turn you have an incredibly fun film, yet it still never loses the weight of what's at stake. Amazing characters with complete arcs, beautiful animation, emotionally gripping, hilarious, and incredibly fun to watch. Finding Nemo is a masterpiece.

SCORE - 100/100

Finding Nemo is another Pixar movie that's better than just a favorite Pixar movie. I think Dory is one of the best animated characters ever.

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU

I also liked Monsters University, but I understand why many parents didn't like it. It sent a bad message to kids because it showed them that they can do the wrong thing, but they can still win in the end.
I actually look at the message the other way around. I think it gives students hope that they can still be successful and turn their life around even if they screwed up in their academic life. I think it makes it very clear that what they did near the end was not appropriate. But I can see what you mean.

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
Finding Nemo is another Pixar movie that's better than just a favorite Pixar movie. I think Dory is one of the best animated characters ever.
Completely agree! I can't believe some people don't give some animated films the credit they deserve just because of the medium. Finding Nemo is amazing storytelling. Dory is an amazing role model.

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
63. Finding Dory (2016)

Director: Andrew Stanton

This movie has the charm and the great characters that the first one had, and the Dory character is given some nice development. I found myself caring a lot about her journey, and her arc was nicely done. However, this film is not nearly as good as Finding Nemo (or many of the other Pixar films) for one reason: lazy plot progression. While it is a very effective film, you can just tell the team wasn't committed to the sequel 100%. This film has a lot of plot conveniences it's kind of laughable at a certain point, and the maturity and depth of the first one got replaced with an atmosphere that feels much more pre-mature.

SCORE - 65/100

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
63. Finding Dory (2016)

Director: Andrew Stanton

This movie has the charm and the great characters that the first one had, and the Dory character is given some nice development. I found myself caring a lot about her journey, and her arc was nicely done. However, this film is not nearly as good as Finding Nemo (or many of the other Pixar films) for one reason: lazy plot progression. While it is a very effective film, you can just tell the team wasn't committed to the sequel 100%. This film has a lot of plot conveniences it's kind of laughable at a certain point, and the maturity and depth of the first one got replaced with an atmosphere that feels much more pre-mature.

SCORE - 75/100

I agree with you about Finding Dory. It's a fun movie, but sadly it just doesn't live up to the first movie.

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
64. Up (2009)

Director: Pete Docter

The craftsmanship in this next Pixar film is so beautifully careful, and so passionate, and this film, to a colossal extent, really goes above and beyond what's expected from an adventurous animated film. It's emotionally sonorous, fun, the character arcs are some of the most complete I've ever seen, the ending is emotionally fulfilling. This is one of those films were everything has a perfect purpose, and if you were to remove any sequence, any shot, or any character, you would have an incomplete film.

SCORE - 97/100

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65. Toy Story (1995)

Director: John Lassetter

The thing that makes this film so special is how great the characters are, their personalities and interactions stand out so well and the dialogue here is the strongest ever in a Pixar film. Woody and Buzz are both great characters and they play off each other so well. I also love how much the film takes advantage of the whole toy premise, and the kind of characters.

SCORE - 90/100

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
66. Toy Story 2 (1999)

Director: John Lasseter

This is a near perfect sequel, and I've always liked it more than the first film. This is probably Pixar's funniest film, and a primal example of what a sequel should do. It's expands the character arcs to new, more challenging places, it cements the essence of what a toy's existence is, the adventure in this one is more engaging, and I just get a huge kick out of it every single time I watch it.

SCORE - 95/100

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67. Toy Story 3 (2010)

Director: Lee Unkrich

The best film in the Toy Story trilogy bar none. This one just delivers on every cylinder that the other two delivered in, plus more. Sure it's fun, funny, adventurous, and clever like the first two, but it also submerges the narrative to a deeply affecting, deeply moving, and deeply satisfying place. This film feels like an ending, and a perfect one at that.

SCORE - 100/100

Hi Luis, enjoyed BOTH reviews of Nemo, and glad to see it 's still batting 100. I did find the earlier one you had on your profile( with your assistance) . Also agree that Dory was an amazing character. She really made the original film for me, and I agree that alas, the Dory film fell short of what it could have been. But it's fun to revisit all these Pixar films.

Getting back a little late here b/c I 've been on the run. But I wanted to say a couple of things. First of all when I was young, I had this big book of illustrated classic fairy tales, that I cherished and still think of fondly to this day. I think that your regard for these Pixar films, with their elegant mastery of the craft, and stunning visuals, may be the latest versions of mesmerizing fairy tales. For children and adults as well - for the humor and storytelling and underlying moral in films like Nemo and Up are timeless. Enjoying your reviews.

Secondly I'd like to thank you from the heart for your kind words-you saying I am a 'lovely person' has been making me feel quite lovely indeed- it's my smile for the week, the month and beyond. Glad to have 'met ' you here- it's my pleasure to know you. And now - back to the movies

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
Getting back a little late here b/c I 've been on the run. But I wanted to say a couple of things. First of all when I was young, I had this big book of illustrated classic fairy tales, that I cherished and still think of fondly to this day. I think that your regard for these Pixar films, with their elegant mastery of the craft, and stunning visuals, may be the latest versions of mesmerizing fairy tales. For children and adults as well - for the humor and storytelling and underlying moral in films like Nemo and Up are timeless. Enjoying your reviews.
Yeah, Pixar truly does transcend storytelling for all the ages, I agree with everything you said. And being able to connect something that makes you so happy back to your childhood is always so magical, I can see that this book did that for you.

Secondly I'd like to thank you from the heart for your kind words-you saying I am a 'lovely person' has been making me feel quite lovely indeed- it's my smile for the week, the month and beyond. Glad to have 'met ' you here- it's my pleasure to know you. And now - back to the movies
You and me both! I always enjoy having a conversation with someone so enthusiastic and down to earth!

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
68. Coco (2017)

Director: Lee Unkirch

I've talked about the newest Pixar film so many times, ya'll know I consider this one another Pixar masterpiece, it's just so fulfilling in so many ways. Next one.

SCORE - 100/100

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
69. Inside Out (2015)

Director: Pete Docter

I've made it annoyingly clear that The Incredibles is my favorite Pixar film, it's also a Top 3 film of all time, but if there's any film that could possibly dethrone The Incredibles as my favorite Pixar film, it's this one. Using the word "masterpiece" for this film would be an understatement for me. Inside Out not only has a genius premise, but also a genius execution of the premise, the film is brimming with creativity, and the character work and animation is incredible. It's also exponentially touching, and it conveys the bittersweet nature of growing up to such a deeply resounding extent.

SCORE - 100/100

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
70. Ratatouille (2007)

Director: Brad Bird

This is probably Pixar's most sophisticated film in the structural department, another perfect meal from the studio. The story is so eccentric, and yet it works so well. Remy is a fantastic and extremely likable, and his character study is exquisite. I think he can speak to a lot of us artists out there. The film is so mature in conveying its themes and it never sugarcoats anything, it sells everything with grace and class, and I can't fathom how Pixar basically rushed this film; it's too perfect. The critics' monologue at the end is one of the most beautiful things Pixar has ever done.

SCORE - 100/100

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
I got a fatigued of sitting down and watching films for a week given how many Pixar films I watched in two days. I'm almost back on track, I'll write one for A Clockwork Orange today. The only Pixar film I missed were the Cars sequels (which is fine by me) and Wall-e, just know that I adore Wall-E and it's one of my favorites of all time.