Critique Our Top 10


Shark still looks fake.

Seriously though, why is it, among all possible Spielberg productions, a movie about a series of shark attacks that gets you most?

That seems so plain.
Why is plain bad? Or, if not bad, exactly, why can't it create excitement? I remember you saying you hadn't seen The Straight Story. Give that a watch and see what plain can do.

Anyway, the pull isn't the shark. The fact that they couldn't get the shark to work most of the time is one of Hollywood luckiest occurrences. In fact, some of the reasons this film works so well are to do with the troubles that came from making the film.

For me, everything about Jaws works. The feel, the atmosphere, especially at the hour mark once they set out to sea (I quite like films with lots of sea/oceanscapes. I find it quite comforting), and, unusually for me, the soundtrack really works for me to the point where it enhances my enjoyment. It has classic scenes I'm waiting for long before they occur and three leads who own the screen. It never feels or looks like acting, to me. It's not Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfuss. It's Brody, Quint and Hooper. There's not a bad scene in the entire film

It's a drama, it's a creature feature, it's a thriller, it's a slasher. It's a childhood favourite, it's the 70's, it's comfort, it's a great ride and much more. I finally got to see it on the big screen last year and, while it wasn't the greatest experience of my cinematic life, it wasn't because of the film which was, of course, brilliant and I loved seeing it on a big screen with a cinema sound system giving it it's all.

Lastly, while it's not a reason to like the film, it has the greatest leitmotif of all time. It cuts right through, despite being so blunt and obvious. Hell, it's so good it's creates more dread than the creature it represents. Though I admit that's not as big a boast as it could sound.
*shrug* Fair enough.

If it's Werewolf in Paris I saw, then I guess I have another movie to watch.

Not that I won't, but appropriate pacing and editing are necessities to me. Saying they're your favorite parts, to me, is sort of like saying my favorite part of a car is how it can park and reverse. If it doesn't get that right, there are going to be big problems.
Appropriate pacing and editing...JAWS had that. If youre looking for Oliver Stone to edit a movie while tripping on acid, JAWS is not that. The acting is inarguably incredible, the storytelling pacing is perfect, perfect! The damn broken shark scared an entire nation from going into the water? No, it was the director, and if Spielberg had shoddy pacing and editing we wouldnt be talking about this movie now 40 years later.

I've altered my Top 10 to be films only – I was never comfortable with having the two TV miniseries in there, fantastic as they are. The replacements for The Odyssey and The Count of Monte Cristo are Le Bossu, which is under its international title On Guard; and Aguirre, Wrath of God.

I haven't seen any of TPAMs top 10
Man on Fire got me into Denzel Washington. Before that I didn't know what all the fuss was about. I saw a bit of it again a few weeks ago and I'd forgotten how rapid and intense some of the visuals were.

Rear Window, Some Like it Hot and Unforgiven are the other ones that really stand out for me.

Oh I lied. I saw Alien. It's pretty good, but not a personal favorite.
I think with a lot of the ones on my list there's an emotional connection but with Alien it's more just appreciating the level of achievement in every aspect of the production.

I think with a lot of the ones on my list there's an emotional connection but with Alien it's more just appreciating the level of achievement in every aspect of the production.
Did you like The Blair Witch Project? I know it gets trashed alot, but they got alot from the nothing they had to make that film.

Did you like The Blair Witch Project? I know it gets trashed alot, but they got alot from the nothing they had to make that film.
I thought it was so-so but perhaps by the time I got to it the effect had lessened because of its reputation. What I particularly liked was

WARNING: spoilers below
the ending, because there's a real atmosphere of terror when you think the witch is there with them and they're reacting to it.

I can definitely recommend Entity if you haven't seen it, which has Blair Witch-like aspects.

matt72582's Top Ten

Harry and Tonto
Haven't seen it.
Haven't seen it.
La Strada
Haven't seen it.
They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
Haven't seen it.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
I liked that one.
Haven't seen it.
The Battle of Algiers
Haven't seen it.
There Will Be Blood
All I know is milkshakes are involved.
Birdman of Alcatraz
Haven't seen it.
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town
Haven't seen it.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

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matt72582's Top Ten

Haven't seen it.

Haven't seen it.

Haven't seen it.

Haven't seen it.

I liked that one.

Haven't seen it.

Haven't seen it.

All I know is milkshakes are involved.

Haven't seen it.

Haven't seen it.
Senso told me about a site called - I e-mailed her some movies and would be happy to mail you "Harry and Tonto" and others..

Welcome to the human race...
matt - have seen Nashville, There Will Be Blood, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and Network. Liked them all. Definitely have an interest in seeing the others.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

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matt - have seen Nashville, There Will Be Blood, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and Network. Liked them all. Definitely have an interest in seeing the others.
I'd be happy e-mailing anyone here some movies I have.

Senso told me about a site called - I e-mailed her some movies and would be happy to mail you "Harry and Tonto" and others..
I'll have to pass. Good to know that site exists though, filesharing services are always an obstacle course.

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I think I might even give away my DVD of "Harry and Tonto" after another viewing for someone who absolutely wants to watch it and cannot find it. Someone here said it was on NetFlix though..

Just looking at Iroquois' list and there's several films there I used to really enjoy and still do:

Raiders of the Lost Ark
Blade Runner
Escape from New York
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Thing

Jaws is great, obviously, but not as significant to me personally as the ones listed above. The Blues Brothers and The Big Lebowski are very funny. I saw Akira years and years ago but I don't think I responded to it really. Apocalypse Now is the only film on the list I haven't seen all the way through.