Films You Love, But Everyone Else Hates



A lot of people roll their eyes at it for some reason. Also, Conan: The Destroyer (not AS bad as most say), Shoot 'Em Up, and I can even enjoy Caravan of Courage and The Battle for Endor on rainy days.

People hate on Clue?! That movie was hilarious, one of the funniest I've ever seen. Though it has been years since I last saw it.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

that's what she said...
I loved ZOMBIELAND like so much seriously (im obsessed) and so many people found it lame .

Please tell me someone on here agrees with me that zombieland is freakin' awesome!!

that's what she said...
Yeah but so many bad talk it as well saying it was copying Shaun of the Dead. When really, I found it to be of its own originality. As I have read great reviews, lots of people I personally know don't like it which makes me sad lol. I LOVE ZOMBIELAND
Nicolas Cage
^to be in 14 movies in the next two years^

I don't know of anyone who has said that Zombieland was lame.
Saully's Reviews
Latest Review: 300

I really liked The Curious Case of Benjamin Button but it got bad reviews and when I mention it to anyone they seem to thinks it sounds weird/bad. And I thought Avatar was a great movie but none of my friends liked it...

I don't remember asking you a ******* thing!
I really liked The Curious Case of Benjamin Button but it got bad reviews and when I mention it to anyone they seem to thinks it sounds weird/bad. And I thought Avatar was a great movie but none of my friends liked it...

I don't think The Curious Case of Benjamin Button got very many bad reviews at all. I for one love that movie though, even though it sometimes puts me to sleep.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
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I love this movie.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Cop Out, Dead Tone. I would also have to say a lot of the MMA movies, such as Circle of Pain. Movies featuring MMA fighters. I may be biased on that decision though, considering I love fight movies.

Idk about that, but how about films I hate but everybody love?

Star Wars.

I love Waterworld. I'll watch it anytime it's on. I don't know about everyone hating it, but it was nominated for a bunch of Razzies. I don't care. It's awesome.
Not just you, I love waterworld! I don't know why it got such a bad rep.

But for some reason, one of my favorite movies is hated by many; Lord of war.

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
Green Lantern,i didnt read Green Lantern comics so maybe that is the reason ...It was not awesome movie,but it was OK...