best movies: Science fiction post-1980


Hi, I just found this forum, and it looks perfect to choose what movies to watch next. I saw many of you wrote thousands of posts, and have different tastes. So the idea is simple: to make a little anthology of "good" or "interesting" movies organized by themes.
That's why I want to launch some threads, one for each film genre, and ask everybody to add their titles. In order to diversify the answers, there are few rules:

1 - Each member can submit 4 titles only, so that a particular taste is not overrepresented.
2 - No repetitions: if somebody else already choose your favorite movie, you mention a different one. The idea is not show everybody your exquisite taste, but to prepare an interesting and diverse list.
3 - The fourth movie must be a non-USA production, otherwise you stick to three titles.
4 - If you write something else than titles, like commentaries or answers to other posts, make sure the titles are graphically different (italics, bold, capital letters) in the text.
5 - Is up to each member who post to decide how strictly to apply definitions. I.e.: is Star wars a science fiction movie? or is an adventure film? or a western set on space? Is it from 1977? or you have to consider the whole franchising? Is the "production country" the nationality of the producers, the filming location, the director's origin or what else?!?

For a start, I thought of something simple: classic SF, from before 1980. So: let's go!

2001, a space odyssey
THX 1138


Blade runner
Children of men
Twelve monkeys

District nine

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
I think two things:
This is in the wrong section of the forum
I know exactly which film will win this already on this forum

I think two things:
This is in the wrong section of the forum
I know exactly which film will win this already on this forum
I don't think he means this to be a contest or a tournament. He just wants a list full of films for each genre. At least, that's what I get from his post.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

He just wants a list full of films for each genre. At least, that's what I get from his post.

This is in the wrong section of the forum
Don't know man: let if you need, move it. Bye the way: I already post it in a different section:

I thought it was not the right one, so I made this new thread, but I couldn't delete the old one.

The Thing From Another World

Planet of the Apes

Silent Running

The Mind of Mr. Soames