Five Came Back


Registered User
I like both versions of this movie. Anyone else? Does anyone know if this movie was based on a book?

One of the first head hunter films ever and there is a soft spot in my heart for both 5 Came Back (1939) and Back From Eternity(1956)

Both are directed by John Farrow (Hondo) with eclectic casts that are often playing against type and although the ployt is somewhat cliched now its still makes entertaining viewing. (Plus you know what kind of an impact it must have been to see this film upon release- rivetting)

Fun movies...
******"The Majority Is Always Wrong" Steve Mcqueen in Enemy Of The People******

To answer Rubix' question, as far as I know the film was not based on any novel, but was originally written for the screen, by among others, author Nathanael West and Dalton Trumbo. If the last name sounds familiar, that may be because he was one of the blacklisted Hollywood Ten. And, this may be hindsight, I think his political leanings can be seen in the way some of the characters are portrayed on the screen.

To me, it is also interesting, that in the film, it is unquestioned that the child would be one of the five coming back. The way that some people feel about children in films today, I wonder if that assumption would still be unquestioned.

jamesglewisf's Avatar
Didn't see it.
I've never even heard of this one. Is it on DVD or something?
Jim Lewis
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