Surprisingly bad


the god this was bad, good cast wasted.

jay and silent bob strikes back - no chance of this becoming another cult classic.

scary movie 2 - pish

final fantasy - was looking forward to this more than any movie ever, spectacular and beautifull but no story. (rumour also says that this is the most expensive movie ever due to the fact that an intire state of the art annimation studio had to be built, it also cost £100000 just to annimate the main characters hair!! i think it cost £100000 for every 30 seconds of film too)
i hate hugh grant

Mr.Mister's Avatar
Don't be Feisty now...
Pearl Harbor was basically just a romance...I mean only a third of the movie was about the attack on Pearl Harbor! So I thought that movie was one that was suprisingly bad...

Also, I wanted Men in Black 2 to be good, but geez it was horrible.
"The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you."
- Rita Mae Brown

It was beauty killed the beast.
Kong just watched Werner Herzog's Heart of Glass, and was extremely dissappointed. The cinematography and music were fantastic, but almost everything else was bad. Hypnotizing the actors might have seemd like a good idea at the time, but the result was dreadful.
Kong's Reviews:
Stuck On You
Bad Santa

Registered User
I shall list some movies I have been extremely disappointed in:

1) "The Deer Hunter" - I thought this was going to be a Vietnam movie like "Missing in Action", "Uncommon Valor" or "Full Metal Jacket". Instead, this film was about a wedding and people getting drunk and playing cards. Oh, there is some cool flashback scene about soldiers stuck in some POW camps, but they was not worth sitting through the other 176 minutes.

2) "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace". This movie is sorta like watching that TV show "Frasier". Frasier was a character in "Cheers". I loved "Cheers". "Cheers" was hilarious. Frasier was funny in "Cheers". "Frasier" has Frasier, but not the comedy. "Frasier" is NOT funny. "Clones" is a "Star Wars" movie without the stuff that made "Star Wars" cool, such as likeable characters, interesting dialogue, coherent plots, rousing and memorable scenes. "Menace" has a dumb kid and an even dumber alien who walks like a retard, it has wooden humans, and special effects that are like some dork in wood shop yelling "Hey, look how cool my model is!". Horrible experience, scarred for life.

3) "Royal Tenenbaums". With Gene Hackman, Bill Murray, Ben Stiller, Gwyneth Paltrow and Owen Wilson in this, one can be forgiven for assuming it will be good. One would be in for the shock of their lives with this film, a film which is probably the first film ever to have zero humor, zero drama, zero suspense, zero interesting characters, and zero believability. That makes it, say it with me now, a ZERO.

Rock & Roll.


I thought the Matrix Reloaded was going to be awesome, I was completely wrong about that one.

Kevin were you smoking something when you went to see it? It was awsome now that it's getting into the background of Zion and the Characters are becoming more developped..... And I think Keanu Reeves totally fits the part for Neo....
I give this movie 2 thumbs up...

On the other hand How about 2 weeks Notice? Sandra Bullock usually has it going on but in this film it was so boring and uninteresting I wish I hadn't wasted the 4 dollars to rent the damn thing because it was a movie I would have rather not wasted my time with..... Shame on you Sandra Shame on you and Hugh Grant... Defineately easy on the eyes but other then that couldn't have carried less if they would have gotten together in the end or not.....
"Your All going to Die down here."
Red Queen83

"Resident Evil 2:Apocolypse" Mila Jovavich
"Phone Booth" Colin Ferrel, Keifer Sutherland (2003)
"Pay it Forward" Haley Joel Osmond, Helen Hunt(2000)
"American Wedding" Jason Biggs, Alyson Hannigan(2003)
"Dogma" Ben Affleck, Matt Damon(1999)
"LOTR" 1,2 & 3 Vigo Mortenison, Elijah Wood (2002-2003)
"Thirteen" Holly Hunter, Nikkie Reed (2004)

CatDancer's Avatar
Registered User
There are 2 movies that come to mind right away - The Grinch and The Scorpian King

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Royal Tenenbaums-Awesome. ****
Rushmore-Awesome. ****
The Deer Hunter: Beyond Awesome-****

Star Wars, while dissapointing, wasnt bad, and neither was The Matrix Reloaded.

What are you smoking Focker!
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Howard Beale

Never conform, never compromise....
I think that the three movies that have let me down the most in recent memory (that i can remember walking out of the thater disappointed) would have to be Star Wars : Episodes 1 and 2 ( I grew up with the first ones and absolutly loved them but after waiting all this time i think Lucas went into them half-@$$ed) and the other would have to be The Transporter (from the director of THE PROFESSIONAL, WHA???? that was the BIGGEST dissapointment i have ever seen. What the hell was with that stupid oil fight ?????????? bad, just horrible).
In the end...
Everything we do,
Is just everything we've done!
- Corey Taylor (2002)

Just to be clear since the advertising was misleading, Luc Besson, who wrote and directed The Professional, did NOT direct The Transporter. He produced and co-wrote it, but he didn't direct.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Speaking of Luc Besson, next Friday I am on a panel that will be watching, discussing, and being all cinematically pretentious over Nikita. Looking forward to it greatly.

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
I'm a huge Besson fan. I haven't seen La Femme Nikita yet though. I plan on renting it this weekend. Is it any good?(A silly question, I know, but tell me anyway)

Never conform, never compromise....
Thanx for clearing that up about Besson, but still....he co-wrote that piece of garbage

I wished the buck stopped here
Phantom Menace - what a huge pile of Kong poo. Lucas raped my childhood.
Matrix Reloaded - anyone else dare say it was garbage?

how can anyone think matrix reloaded is terrible? it was a visual treat with great acting and characters.

as for a really bad film.....

the avengers.

Isn't that with Uma Thurman?

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Yeah. Its rumoured that the original 150 minute cut was good.

I guess we'll never know....