What Film's Do You Want To See.


Hi Guy's, Just wondering what films you would most like to see be made at some point in the future.

Here is a small list of films that I would love to see be made.

1/ Predator 3,4 and aliens vs predator.

2/ Aliens 5,6

3/ Terminator 4,5

4/ J.C's The Thing 2,3 maybey a prequal.

5/ The Fly 3,4

6/ Blade 3,4

7/ Indyana Jones 4,5 maybey 6

8/ Re do the resi evil films and call them Bio-hazard like the Japanise games and dont let Paul Anderson within 1000 yards of a directing camera

9/ A spinoff of 28 days later, Same creatures.

10/ Maybey a Mummy 3,4 depends.
You dont see the eye's of the demon untill you watch the movie.

It was beauty killed the beast.
Kong isn't too big on sequels. He'd prefer the studios invest their money in something original. Kong wants to see something unlike anything he's seen before.
Kong's Reviews:
Stuck On You
Bad Santa

The only thing that I can think of is Alien vs. Predator. I've been wanting that to be made for quite some time now.

I must become Caligari..!
Originally posted by Frank-thing
3/ Terminator 4,5

Arnie has said he wont do 4 or 5
It's a god-awful small affair, To the girl with, the mousy hair, But her mummy is yelling "No", and her daddy has told her to go, But her friend is nowhere to be seen, Now she walks through her sunken dream, To the seat with the clearest view, And she's hooked to the silver screen, But the film is a saddening bore, For she's lived it ten times or more...