You Favorite Mob/Mafia Movies...


right, wrong, opinionated, subjective, or objective,............ T is one tenacious mofo!!! (that's mofo commish)
on dance seul, on dance seul.....

Originally posted by sadesdrk
Holden is infuriating on way more levels than just his biting sarcasm.
Actually, the sarcasm is nothing (and hardly "biting"), it's the air of superiority and massive arrogance that rubs people the wrong way.

But I still like him.

Now With Moveable Parts
That's what I was sayin', in a nutshell.

I figured. I just thought I'd expand on it.

Now With Moveable Parts
No, really, you did me a post sounded mean.

i personally find holden's knowledge and confident delivery to be sexxxxxxyyyy- and his determination to stick with good, solid, detailed, movie discussions and low response level to all our extraneous play and chatter makes him even more out of reach.......and thus alluring....wouldn't you agree sades? but, i still have TOO much fun blending movie talk with chatter.

Now With Moveable Parts
No. I used to think so...not anymore.

Oh, man! Here is a major warning for anybody interested in the R1 DVD of Michael Cimino's The Sicilian: DO NOT BUY IT!

I knew the running time on the disc was 146-minutes, the longer director's cut of the film. So when I was shopping yesterday and saw it on the shelf for a reasonable price, I thought what the hey, and picked it up. I didn't bother reading any of the technical specs because I already had a pile of discs and this was kind of an impulse as I as walking to the register. I now sorely wish I had read the box.

Cimino loves to film in full widescreen (2.35:1). Even the films of his I think are misfires (most of them, on one level or another) the one thing I have no complaints about is the man's eye and talent for composing a frame. He works well with his D.P.s to produce good looking films, if nothing else. For some strange fu*king reason, Artisan, who has produced lots of good discs in the past, decided to release The Sicilian all cropped to ***** in the pan-and-scan format! Had I known this, I never would have spent the money on it.

Not only is it horribly cropped, it is also a very grainy, soft and dark transfer to begin with! All around the disc is a disappointment from a technically standpoint. I haven't gotten around to actually watching it because when I popped the disc in I was horrified. It looks plain awful. If I had noticed this before I opened the blasted thing I would have immediately returned it. Frustrating.

So, if anyone was curious about The Sicilian, I wouldn't recommend this DVD AT ALL as a way of discovering the movie.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

WOWZER that sounds bad Mr. Pike I watch a widescreen Director's cut on VHS it sounds ten times better than the DVD you got does it come with any good specials.
buy condo Pattaya

The DVD is completely bare bones. Not even the stinkin' trailer is included. The menu has two options: play and scene selection.

Awful, awful, awful.

I did start watchig the movie, and it's just as bad as I remember it, additional scenes or not. I really dislike Cimino's narrative style, which even in this version is choppy and forced, with cardboard characters that I think are supposed to be epic archtypes but never come off. Christopher Lambert is one of the worst actors ever. Ugh. But I'll plod my way through the rest of the flick before I get rid of this damn disc.

OOOOKAAAAY! Let's get started! First off,I would have to include all of the movies mentioned before, great job everyone. But I also would have to include "Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai" If you haven't seen it because it looks like a blaxploitation movie on the cover, please reconsider. It is directed by Jim Jarmusch (Dead Man, Down By Law) and is in no way whatsoever a blaxploitation. It is a straight up mob movie. Pulp Fiction and Boondock Saints (Willem Defoes best role, "All I needed was to hear you say it, THANKS!!! Thank you")
"Brother" is a favorite of mine. And if I will be allowed to include it, I want to add Reservoir Dogs. It's all about the ear scene!
"Donny! You're out of your element Donny! YOU"RE OUT OF YOUR ELEMENT!"

I love Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai, but I wouldn't ever call it a "straight up mob movie". I wouldn't call anything from Jim Jarmusch "straight-up". He's an iconoclast when it comes to playing with genres. Ghost Dog is not a straight-up mob movie, Dead Man is not a straight-up Western (even in Revisionist terms), and Down by Law sure isn't a straight-up prison flick. I absolutely adore Jarmusch, but he can't be defined by genre.

Brasco's Avatar
DonJuan de la Nooch
My favorite mob movies:

Donnie Brasco


My Blue Heaven (it counts)

The Funeral


King of New York

The Professional/ Leon

American Me

Get Shorty

Ghost Dog:Way of the Samurai

Diary of a Hitman (not sure if it counts as a mafia flick)

To this day I get ragged on by my friends because I have not seen any of the Godfather movies
Look at these morose muther****ers, looks like someone S**t in their cereal.....BONG!!!!

And rag they should. What are you waitjng for? An engraved invitation from Francis Ford Coppola? See the first two flicks, and of course it's OK to skip the third.

I must become Caligari..!
Originally posted by Brasco

My Blue Heaven (it counts)

I love this flick!

Hannah Stubbs: The books...
Vincent 'Vinnie' Antonelli: You have something against books?
Hannah Stubbs: I have nothing about books! I am curious about the books in your trunk.
Vincent 'Vinnie' Antonelli: You see, I was thinking of writing my story, so I bought this one on how to do it.
Hannah Stubbs: Why do you need 25 copies of it?
Vincent 'Vinnie' Antonelli: Ona Counta I want to read it more than once...

It's a god-awful small affair, To the girl with, the mousy hair, But her mummy is yelling "No", and her daddy has told her to go, But her friend is nowhere to be seen, Now she walks through her sunken dream, To the seat with the clearest view, And she's hooked to the silver screen, But the film is a saddening bore, For she's lived it ten times or more...

Of course he can't. Jarmusch is one of those who has to be defined by what his films are about. (Sort of like David Lynch, or Terry Gilliam.) But if one wanted to calll Ghost Dog a mob flick, they could bury themselves in it. It's just one of my favorite movies so I had to find a place to include it. His movies, in my opinion, are all about the blending of unlikely ethnicities and cultures. One guesses this right off the bat but is assured of it when they see the Criterion Collection Down by Law dvd, If you listen to his "Thought's on the Film" section. He starts to talk about how cultures around the world all want to be better than one another but every one of us has music. Music, he says, cheers him up be cause it is the ONE universal similairity Lets take a look at his films:
Stranger than Paradise- 2 Hungarians(one who likes Screamin' Hawkins because he is a "wid man") and a New Yorker going to Cleveland and Florida .

Cigarettes and Coffee 1,2, and 3: .............I don't think I have to explain this one's cultural cuisinart.

Actually Mystery Train, Down by LAw, Night on Earth, Dead Man, Ghost Dog, New World, and all of Jim Jarmusch's stuff is pretty self explanitory as to why they are about this. I'm tired of typing and it's obvious so I'm just gonna stop. heh heh anyway I looooooooooooooooooove Jarmusch