My Top 100 Movies


I'm sorry but...

15. Easy Rider
7. Wild Hogs

Well at least it's unique, lots of films I like in there, the Scorsese films of course, but a lot that I dislike too, my IMDB tells me I have seen a nice round 50/100 films on your list too.

I'm sorry but...

15. Easy Rider
7. Wild Hogs

Well at least it's unique, lots of films I like in there, the Scorsese films of course, but a lot that I dislike too, my IMDB tells me I have seen a nice round 50/100 films on your list too.
I'm not that surprised about Easy Rider but the 3 i mentioned in my previous post baffled me lol.

I'm not that surprised about Easy Rider but the 3 i mentioned in my previous post baffled me lol.
I was referring to the fact that he places Wild Hogs ahead of Easy Rider, when I think I know what most people believe is the better motorbike film

I'm sorry but...

15. Easy Rider
7. Wild Hogs

Well at least it's unique, lots of films I like in there, the Scorsese films of course, but a lot that I dislike too, my IMDB tells me I have seen a nice round 50/100 films on your list too.
What are the ones you dislike?

Pleased to see Casino,Home Alone 2,Ace Ventura,Easy Rider and Goodfellas taking high places! But anyway,not sure if I like Titanic or it was shown on TV so often that it just grew on me and I also think Pursuit of Happyness is overrated.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Forget the Scorsese, what's with all the bloody Jim Carrey?!?!?

You obviously like comedy, though, judging by the comedies listed here, you're not that big on laughing.

Of the films you don't see as often on lists like this, + rep for Chaplin, Fear & Loathing, The Simpson's Movie, Speed and Field Of Dreams.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Forget the Scorsese, what's with all the bloody Jim Carrey?!?!?

You obviously like comedy, though, judging by the comedies listed here, you're not that big on laughing.

Of the films you don't see as often on lists like this, + rep for Chaplin, Fear & Loathing, The Simpson's Movie, Speed and Field Of Dreams.

What are you talking about? what do you mean I'm not big on laughing?

I mean those comedies, for the most part, aren't funny.

Like what?

Twins,Yes Man,Flubber,Click. The Other Guys,My Cousin Vinny,Midnight Run and What About Bob? are hilarious though.

How are those movies unfunny?

Click is funny. Nothing with Jim Carrey is, and Anger Management is awful.
You obviously haven't seen Dumb and Dumber, then.

Chaplin yet not a single Chaplin film?
I guess silent movies aren't my thing
My favorite movies:

Have you seen any?
Yeah some of them, they're okay