Dragon Ball


Anyone a fan of the anime/manga?

I love Dragon Ball, I have been a fan for over 15 years and remain a huge fan of this awesome series (Except GT). Number 1 Freeza fanboy here, folks!

Not sure if this deserves to have it's own movie thread in upcoming movies, so I figured i'd just talk about it here...

New movie, March of 2013, made by Akira Toriyama himself.

Dragon Ball Z - Battle of the Gods

Basic Plot:

The god of destruction, Bils, (The Anubis-ish Egyptian looking god, jackal, rabbit, hairless cat looking dude) whom has awakened from a deep, long slumber has learned that a Saiyajin defeated the space tyrant Freeza. Upon learning of this Saiyajin's whereabouts, he comes to Earth to challenge Goku. Despite the warnings from King Kai to not fight him, Goku is way to excited to battle a new enemy.

Goku is defeated by Bils, who departs with the words "Is there anyone out there worth destroying?" then he begins destroying other worlds and threatening Earth as well. Will Goku and co. be able to stop Bils and his associate? (Of course!, duh! but how?????) Find out, March of 2013!

I don't remember asking you a ******* thing!
Well, he'll use the Spirit Bomb, of course XD But I kid around, I'm excited for this. Dragon Ball Z is one of my favorite TV shows of all time, and I love the movies.

oh my God,I remember that I had to rush very quickly back from school everyday just to manage to see this show on TV.And absolutely every person my age was watching that show.You could ask any total stranger what was the last episode about and he would tell you.

Well, he'll use the Spirit Bomb, of course XD But I kid around, I'm excited for this. Dragon Ball Z is one of my favorite TV shows of all time, and I love the movies.
A universal super duper spectacular super saiyajin spirit bomb, ya heeeeeard meh? XD

oh my God,I remember that I had to rush very quickly back from school everyday just to manage to see this show on TV.And absolutely every person my age was watching that show.You could ask any total stranger what was the last episode about and he would tell you.
Hahaa, that is an awesome story, back when I was a teenager hardly anyone I knew watched it, but I had a few friends who were into it. Now a days I know more people who are fans of it online than I do IRL, so I talk about it more on forums such as this and twitter. :3

Good to see some fellow DB fans here... I am a huge geek, like the equivalent of a geeky Star Wars fanboy. I could tell you so many facts and info and differences between canon and non canon/filler, etc... etc... it is just retarded! XD

I used to be an avid debater in the DB forum communities but over the last 2-3 years I knocked that nonsense off, as I now find debating a cartoon/comic book like it matters is ummm..... Stupid? Yeah, yeah.... But nonetheless, the info has never left my damned head, so, to this day I will still correct people if they get something wrong, and sometimes they want to argue back and i'm like "*Facepaw* nuuuuuu!" but it is far, far too late by then... Hahaa

ANYWAYS, I find it funny how some fans are complaining that Bils looks stupid and the plot is stupid.

First off, Bils, yeah, he doesn't look nearly as fearsome as Freeza or Cell did, but I think he looks cool enough, He looks cooler than Buu, with the exception of Super Buu that is. I think Bils will be awesome in his own right. Funny name, too, but meh.

As far as the plot, who cares, I mean when has DB ever needed a super complex and serious logical plot to make it entertaining? The plot isn't the most superb, but it isn't bad either, just lacking a plot other than "I must defeat the strongest and destroy their planet" cliche... But it works. That's why it's a staple formula to use for villains as much as it is to use "I must protect the world" with heroes.

People also get confused with Gohan going SSJ, arguing whether he should still be in Chou state or did he lose it because he stopped training again after Buu was defeated. I dunno, but does it matter? What if Toriyama has Gohan going SSJ while still retaining the elder Kaioshin ritual powerup? What then? Oh noes, all time and space will collapse on itself! XD

*clears throat* /end of geeky rant

I am sure it will be at least a semi decent movie and full of entertainment and fun, especially for us older fans, due to nostalgia reasons as well.

The 25th anniversary special wasn't that great really, but I still enjoyed it. The SSJ Bardock special was also semi decent, not the best DB special, but I liked it for what it was, a side story. How a death ball can take you into the past is unknown to me, but screw it, it's good fun.

Speaking of other DB specials and projects, how about Team Four Stars Dragon Ball Z Abridged? Anyone dig that silly nonsense? XD

I have been a fan of theirs for a while now, they do quality stuff!

Despite my geekyness with this series over all these years, this parody reminds me not to take it too seriously (As if I need to be reminded, right?), because these guys are fellow DB geeks who at times, take the piss outta fellow DB geeks. Gotta love that, hahaa!

Episode 31 - Nuttin' But Garlic!

Quickest season...... EVER! XD

Gotta love TFS Popo!