The Watch

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Did anyone go and see this movie? What are your thoughts on it?
I thought it was so funny! I couldn't stop laughing!

I went off it when they changed the name of the film because of something that happened in the news, this is a pet peeve of mine, changing things in films/titles(even when filmed way before the news event) because of something that has happened in real life. Don't see the film if you were involved in the real life event...

So waiting for it when it comes out to rent.

I enjoyed it, I can't exactly put my finger on why though. I'm not much of a comedy fan and I usually try to avoid any of these Ben Stiller / Vince Vaughn comedies like my life depended on it. I caught it in the cinema though because I had a couple of hours to kill before The Expendables 2 started and I actually enjoyed it, I chuckled a couple of times. It has a certain goofy charm about it, kinda like a poor mans MIB. Its deffo worth a watch if you like these Stiller/Vaughn comedies.

I refuse to believe that any film staring Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn can be funny. I would include Jonah Hill, but I've heard that Jump Street somehow manages to be really funny.
5-time MoFo Award winner.