What StarTrek film is this??


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I really need to know, all I can remember is some kind of funeral taking place on a starship and bagpipes were playing, thats all I can recall, which StarTrek movie is it???? Someone must know!!

That's in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn (1982). It's Spock's funeral, specifically. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs fo the few, or the one."

Don't worry, though: he's resurrected in Star Trek III...just like Jesus in that regard.

Actually, not like Jesus at all. Scratch that.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

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The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
This is a little off topic, but this thread presents me with the means to talk about this.

Star Trek the Undiscovered Country is awesome. Christopher Plummer!!!
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Howard Beale

Registered User
Okay, well I watched Wrath Of Khan and I didn't think it was the greatest movie ever but there's something about that scene I mentioned, something about it I dunno it just kinda moved me. Strange, I'm not even a Star Trek fan!

Holden and Beale, would you recommend any of the other films? This is the only one I've seen, are any of the others worth a watch? Search For Spock does sound somewhat intriguing I must say, although I don't see how he could come back?! But none of the films were really critically acclaimed were they. If any of the others are worth seeing though, this is a general movie fan asking not a Star Trek fan (I haven't seen the original either), then I'd appreciate any feedback.

I'm not a "Star Trek" fan either, but Wrath of Kahn is generally regarded as the best of the lot. Some of the installments further down the line are especially embarassing: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier possibly the worst ever, where "What does God need with a spaceship?" and other philosophical questions are addressed - that is when they aren't awkwardly singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" around a campfire.

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock does have a hammy and out-of-place performance by Christopher Lloyd as a Klingon. If it's possible for an audience to watch it without thinking of Jim Ignatowski and Doc Brown, I haven't found 'em. It also has some of Bill Shatner's worst ever acting (another ugly contest I wouldn't want to judge), best incapsulated by the line, "You Klingon bastard, you killed my son!". Oy.

Shatner has finally accepted how horrible he is, and now instead of being an arrogant clueless prick, he's "in" on the joke too. Good for him. I'd say skip all the Trek movies (including the "Next Generation" entries, as the TV series was much better than their feature films) and find yourself a copy of Free Enterprise (1998) and Trekkies (1997). Looking at the phenomenon of Trek is more interesting than Trek itself.

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Theres a documentary on Star Trek called Trekkies thats very interesting.

As far as films go, I'd say that aside from Wrath of Khan, Star Trek, I think VI, The Undiscovered Country is pretty awesome (I love the whole Shakespearian Klingon thing). Aside from those entries, I'd agree with Holden that the series is pretty bad. (III and IV are ok movies, and as far as the Next Generation goes, I thik First Contact is the best out of the new entries).

So overall I'd say watch The Undiscovered Country as far as movies fans go. If you find yourself still asking for more, watch III and IV, or maybe First Contact, but thats just if your into it.

Trekkies...why didn't I think to recommend that?

Oh, wait...I did.

Star Trek VI, with the Klingon/Communist Cold War stuff and Chris Plummer hamming it up quoting Billy Shakespeare every other line is, I suppose, slightly more amusing than the other horrible Trek movies...but onyl slightly.

Registered User
Okay, thanks guys.

"Row, row, row ya boat" and "God on a spaceship" ...wow, just...wow

The Star Trek phenomenon being more interesting than the movies, that's an interesting angle on it all. Maybe I will check out one of those yall recommended.

Btw, Holden, when you say "hamming it up"...you mean as in being cheesy/corny? I'm not familiar with that term and youve used it a couple of times thats all

At first when I read your post I thought it said Christopher Lee for some reason, not Christopher Lloyd

Yes, to act "hammy" is to be over-the-top and silly, ridiculously theatrical, and sadly it can also be uninentional (see most of Shatner's work).

And Christopher Lloyd plays the main Klingon in Star Trek III, while Christopher Plummer plays the main Klingon in Star Trek VI. Both are campy performances, though Plummer's tongue is more firmly in his cheek, I think.

Wrath of Kahn is a wonderful movie, Ricardo Montalban, should have played the villian more often; hmmm, has he played the villian other than in Wrath of Kahn? If anyone knows of a movie that he has been the bad guy please let me know.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton