Which Version Of This Movie Did You Like Better?


See, even Freddy loves her really.
This is a fabulous movie -- Wes Craven's New Nightmare. Makes me wanna watch it immediately.

The new version is complete garbage; not worth watching at all, IMO.
I concur. I concur very much, Mr. Sedai.

RE: The Nightmare on Elm Street 2010 remake.

I'm a huge fan of the Nightmare series -- DIE-HARD -- and I don't even own this movie. That's how bad it is.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I don't think that the answer to this question is as one-sided as some individuals have said, allow be to explain. The remake of "A Nightmare on Elm Street" attempting to bring something of a more grimacing side to the character in comparison to what we have seen in the past, while at the same time still remaining relatively consistent to the previous themes of the original movie. For all it was, the performances in the movie were admirable and the storytelling was more precise due to the fact that I believe they had a clearer idea as to what they were doing with the movie itself where as with the original "A Nightmare on Elm Street", they weren't entirely sure what the Freddy character was. Ultimately, however, I do think that the original movie surpasses the remake, because Freddy lost his uniqueness. For all of his faults, for all of the shittiness that he has forced us to endure in the past with many of the movies in the Street series, the Freddy Krueger character was best when Robert Englund was under the mask. He made the character is own, he brought the character to life, he was charismatic, he was enthusiastic, he was different from everything that we had grown accustom to at the time with the "cookie-cutter" killers in the eighties.

In conclusion, the original was overall the better movie in-terms of performances, originality and attentiveness, however, it's far from being my favorite in the series of movies. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 and Wes Craven's New Nightmare are my favorite movies of the franchise, with Freddy vs. Jason being the holder for my favorite performance of the Freddy character and probably one of my all-time favorite horrors.

the orginal for anything is always better

I thought the original was a lot better, but I actually really liked the remake, too.