Fantasy movie


Who's going to believe a talking head?
There is this fantasy movie that I cant remember! I remember watching it on TV. A couple of scenes I remember. A group of guys (explorers?) got lost in a labyrinth with a minotaur (a huge half bull half man creature) and manage to escape via a portal. They end up in a desert (if I'm not wrong) on a very high plateau. They cant get down. But its an illusion, because one of them takes a step out and suddenly realises that he is merely a couple of feet away from the ground. I also remember a forest scene where these bandits spot lots of treasure on the trees but they cant take them or some weird creatures would kill them. Theres a subsequent scene about a spinning sword in the air... I know this sounds really bizarre, some of these scenes might even be from different movies.... Please help!

That sounds vaguely familiar to me too but I got nothin. I'll keep ponderin...
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