Favorite Bond Movie


I grew up with bond movies, even though they were before my time (I was born in 1990) and I love most of them, and even though pierce will always be 'my real bond' I have to say I enjoyed casino royale the most, its just a really good film.

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I haven't seen the Daltons, however aside from that:

1. Connery
2. Craig
3. Moore
4. Lazenby
5. Brosnan

Actually liked all of them save for Brosnan

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
I'm not much of a Bond fan, really. His far-fetched escapades and array of gadgets don't appeal to me. That being said, I really liked License To Kill. Dalton wasn't a very good fit for the Bond character- which is probably why I like it the most. His uncomfortable performance helps bring across a different type of Bond. Not Bond the super agent, but Bond, the assassin.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Do you wanna party? Its party time!
Bonds ranked:

1. Connery
2. Craig
3. Dalton
4. Moore
5. Brosnan
6. Lazenby

Honestly I like all of the Bonds, even though I'm not as big a fan of Brosnan as some people are. Poor Lazenby only got one film, and Dalton only had two although he made the most of his time in the role. Connery is the unquestionably best Bond ever, and he defined the role perfectly.

As for my favorite Bond film:

Mainly because despite some racist overtones this one is highly entertaining. Besides Yaphet Kotto plays a great villain-the fact that he wants to get everyone hooked on heroin instead of merely aiming for world domination has never failed to amuse me.
Down The Rabbit Hole
Down A Dark Alley

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My favorite order of the Bonds is:
1.) Dalton
2.) Craig
3.) Brosnan
4.) Moore
5.) Connery
6.) Lazenby (I've still not actually finished OHMSS in full before, so I can't really judge him)

I know a lot of people will disagree with Sean Connery being so low on my list. I really don't know what it was, but I just never liked him as much as the other Bonds. I should also mention that the first Bond films I watched were Die Another Day & Goldeneye, so I was introduced pretty late into the series. Timothy Dalton is my favorite Bond actor, but my favorite Bond film is Casino Royale, followed closely by Goldeneye.

Casino Royale is my favorite Bond film. I really like Daniel Craig as bond. The opening car chase in Quantum of Solace left me speechless it was so good. the rest of the movie......eh.

The best Bond song is a View to a Kill. There isn't even a close second for me. Still a Duran Duran fan after all this time......
I think Craig as Bond is excellent and you can't go wrong with Royale. After fumbling around with Dalton and Pierce Brosnan, they finally got it right. With that said, The Spy Who Loved Me is my favorite. The Lotus that turned into a sub was so cool.

Best Bond song for me is Sheena Easton's "For your eyes only" and my favorite Bond chick is;
Carey Lowell

On Her Majesty's secret service
then From Russia with love.

In this order for me:
  1. Casino Royale
  2. Goldfinger
  3. Dr. No
  4. From Russia with Love
  5. GoldenEye
  6. Thunderball
  7. The Spy Who Loved Me
  8. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
  9. You Only Live Twice
  10. The Living Daylights
  11. For Your Eyes Only
  12. Live and Let Die
  13. Diamonds Are Forever
  14. Licence to Kill
  15. Tomorrow Never Dies
  16. Die Another Day
  17. The Man with the Golden Gun
  18. Moonraker
  19. The World Is Not Enough
  20. Octopussy
  21. A View to a Kill
As for my favorite Bonds:
1 ) Sean Connery
2 ) Daniel Craig
3 ) Pierce Brosnan
4 ) Roger Moore
5 ) Timothy Dalton
6 ) George Lazenby

Daniel Kraig is my favorite. Had the best diolouge, and didn't need a bunch of gadgets to get his job done. And him bailing on sleeping with that spanish chick in Casino Royal isn't something I can ever remember a Bond doing before. He has new qualities that other Bonds don't.

I dig it. :]

Peirce Brosnan is easily the worst. Everything about him is just baaaaad acting, and that show he did before the 007 flicks.... Remington Steel. I think it was called. It was just a continuation of him doing that show. He's just a bad actor...

Daniel Kraig is my favorite. Had the best diolouge, and didn't need a bunch of gadgets to get his job done. And him bailing on sleeping with that spanish chick in Casino Royal isn't something I can ever remember a Bond doing before.
I think Roger Moore turns down an underage girl.

Probably from russia with love or dr no i'd say were the best films, however one of my favourites is actually view to a kill.
honestly don't know why and i can see why in many ways it really isn't a good film but i liked it.

Probably from russia with love or dr no i'd say were the best films, however one of my favourites is actually view to a kill.
I like Dr. No. Ever since that, the Bond films have always been overlong.

The most loathsome of all goblins
Thunderball, no contest. Connery's best performance as Bond, gorgeous locales, the best Bond girls, gadgets and fight sequences. What I love most of all, however, is Terence Young's brilliant direction, which lend a great sense of adventure and wonderment to the whole affair. I think if You Only Live Twice was given to him instead of Lewis Gilbert, it might actually have been good.