Have you ever wished you could have a hoverboard like in "back to the future?"


Hey guys,

How many of you lucid dream? If you don't know what it is, it's becoming conscious inside your dreams.

Anyway, I've been experimenting lately with playing around with a hoverboard in my lucid dreams. I just wanted to share it with you so you could do it to.

I've always wanted a hoverboard like the one in BTTF. Now I can, and I can't believe it.

If you can't understand how you can play around in your dreams I'll give you an example:

So you can't read a digital watch inside a dream because the part of your brain that deals with the numbers counting down is sleeping. If you check your watch lots of times during the day you will form a subconscious habit. You'll automatically check it in your dreams and realize your dreaming. That's a simple explanation.

I can force myself to. It's hard. But when I'm scared because of my nightmares, I have to become concious in them so I can get away. Do you do that?

I can try and do it tonight, or at least until I can get it. I just have to remember. I've been told it's because of ambidexterity.

Have you ever dreamt the same dreams over on purpose?

Don't Hang Up On Me!
I dont dream often, but when i do its always a lucid dream.
also, love bttf and am now going to see if i can give myself a hoverboard dream

I used to lucid dream a lot couple of years ago, but last year I unknowingly went lucid or maybe I dreamed I went lucid. can't recall now.

I tried toying with a lightsabre when I first started lucid dreaming. Now I just stick to completing dreams which I wake up from. I think I should get into this again.

The funny thing about lucid dreaming to me was after some point, I didn't need any sign to know you're dreaming, no watch, book, etc.. you just know it.

I used to lucid dream a lot couple of years ago, but last year I unknowingly went lucid or maybe I dreamed I went lucid. can't recall now.

I tried toying with a lightsabre when I first started lucid dreaming. Now I just stick to completing dreams which I wake up from. I think I should get into this again.

The funny thing about lucid dreaming to me was after some point, I didn't need any sign to know you're dreaming, no watch, book, etc.. you just know it.

For me it was never a sign like you say but it wasn't just a know it thing either. More like a realization after a certain amount of time in the dream.

Don't Hang Up On Me!
I dont have a SIGN either. but theres no diffrence bettween a dream and a lucid dream to me, im always in controlof every aspect of my dreams

For me it was never a sign like you say but it wasn't just a know it thing either. More like a realization after a certain of time in the dream.
Same here.
I remember my first lucid dream, I used to live in a hostel & I could hear all sort of noises outside as it was in the afternoon. I had a hard time concentrating, as I was aware of the noises around me yet I was still asleep.

I found some pieces of music online that have been doctored to help you in your sleep, I have always been meaning to try those.

here's a link for those interested.

Same here.
I remember my first lucid dream, I used to live in a hostel & I could hear all sort of noises outside as it was in the afternoon. I had a hard time concentrating, as I was aware of the noises around me yet I was still asleep.

I found some pieces of music online that have been doctored to help you in your sleep, I have always been meaning to try those.

here's a link for those interested.

I am totally interested, if I could control all my dreams then I would. I always still realize the dream but sometimes I just do the bidding, lol.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I spent a fair proportion of my younger years wishing I was a Jedi if that counts.

I used to be able to remember (when you don't dream, it signifies you don't remember since you always dream when sleeping) dreams when I was younger, now I can't remember them. I had somewhat lucid dreams very few times, but my dreams were always weird. I guess my mind thought all of the strange stuff was normal so it never thought it was asleep.