Stallone & Schwarzenegger’s The Tomb


Movie Forums Insomniac
The Tomb
Release Date: 2013 ?
Studio: Summit Entertainment
Director: Mikael Håfström
Screenwriter: Miles Chapman, Jason Keller
Starring: Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Caviezel

Set in the near future, Stallone plays Ray Breslin a professional prison escapee – his job is to understand the weaknesses within the compound, so that it can be fixed by Federal Bureau of Corrections.

The action-packed opening sees Breslin escaping from one such location, and once the job is over, he makes it clear that he plans to retire and enjoy the vast wealth that he has accumulated over the years. But when he’s offered one last job for $10 million, he just can’t turn it down.

Breslin is sent on one “final mission” by Clark, his friend and contact, who tells him little about this next job other than it is a “military establishment.” He soon arrives at “The Tomb,” which Morris describes a “Guantanamo Bay 2.0,” a floating private facility owned and overseen by Prison Warden Hobbs (Jim Caviezel’s character) and Drake, his right hand man. Breslin meets and befriends Swan (Schwarzenegger), who tells him that those incarcerated within The Tomb, are enemies of the state. Swan warns Breslin to take care “because dead bodies lead to the cancellation of prison social nights.”
Soon Breslin, Swan, and a few others are plotting their escape, and Morris says that we get “a ‘mind’s eye view’ of Breslin working out the inner structure of the prison – how the rooms are connected, how each room is wired or built, what machines and systems function in them; it’s a visual schematic if you will”.

Apparently the characters for Breslin and Swan feel like they stepped right out of the ’80s, and while Morris describes Stallone’s role as “decent,” he states that Schwarzenegger’s character comes across as a 21st century incarnation of Predator’s Dutch, something which is sure to please fans.
It sounds like The Tomb is the film that action fans have been waiting for, and let’s hope that director Mikael Hasfstrom (1408) doesn’t drop the ball on the “amazingly fun script”. We’ll have to wait for a while, as both Stallone and Schwarzenegger have a number of other projects on the way.
Source: Screenrant

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
^ Agreed akatemple, im looking forward to seeing a trailer for this.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

The Tomb
Release Date: 2013 ?
Studio: Summit Entertainment
Director: Mikael Håfström
Screenwriter: Miles Chapman, Jason Keller
Starring: Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Caviezel

Source: Screenrant

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
I read about this a few weeks ago. Why do these people keep trying to go back to the 80's, if we want to see Dutch from Predator then ill watch Dutch in Predator. They should just focus on now and come up with a good action movie for our time (same for Expendables).

Sounds like it could make a good action movie, but, please use someone younger
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
You never would have seen a movie with these two together when their careers were going good.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula