A new Buffy The Vampire Slayer movie?


Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
This is the first good news I have heard in a while.

Rejoice! Buffy reboot gets staked

Dec 22, 2011

It was announced little over a year ago that Twentieth Century Fox would be creating yet another new take on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but without Joss Whedon. That announcement was met with backlash from not only fans, but from the cast of Whedon’s TV series as well. Well, we can all rejoice now as that film is apparently dead. “Remember the stir about the first-time screenwriter hired for “Buffy” reboot? She’s been fired & project is in limbo,” Geoff Boucher of Hero Complex Tweeted. Apparently, the screenwriter handed in the script recently, and as you can see, the studio didn’t like it.
Whedon fans could probably consider this an early Christmas present.

This is the first good news I have heard in a while.
Excellent news. Seems that some studio big wigs DO have braincells after all

Heh, maybe those too. I guess when one is able to make an era defining Television show out of a very poor film, a film remake just doesn't make sense to even the most greediest of people.