Popular Arthouse directors you loathe and why


Who's going to believe a talking head?
Everytime you browse through most of the 'Top ...' or 'Greatest of...' or 'Favorite ....' movie lists on those arthouse forums, you will come across some films from special directors that keep appearing. Persuaded by many to watch these films (or get ridiculed for not being intelligent enough), i had to sit through some of the most pretentious crap such as:

Lars Trier
Michael Hanake

Godard is at the top of the list. Why do Americans like Godard so much? I dont see Europeans (or the french even) who take so much notice of this auteur as much as American film fanatics/geeks.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
You must be reading my mind with Godard. I thought he had a few interesting ideas when he started, but I can only think of two movies I would tell a "normal" person to watch and those are Breathless and Band of Outsiders. His later movies have some unique things but are borderline worthless to even a film buff such as me.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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The only Godard film I would recommend to anyone is the noirish Alphaville. Breathless if that person wants to 'know' what the whole hype about the French New Wave was.

Another critically acclaimed director I dislike is Michelangelo Antonioni. I've seen his films which so called explores 'alienation' called La'avventura and L'Eclisse. I was bored senseless.

And I dont watch their films to see Anna Karina and Monica Vitti respectively.

I don't 'loathe' any but I really don't get the big deal with Federico Fellini, especially the overrated . Was also counting down the time waiting for Amarcord to end...

Really the only one I've liked was:

Yet to see:

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Goddard had two good movies in him.

Terry Malick sucks except for Badlands, and that is overrated. It works best as a black comedy, which was not Malick's intention as he has no sense of humor. But when I saw that I saw it as funny with Spacek's deadpan narrative and zonked out expression as everyone around her was getting whacked. And Martin Sheen as a James Dean type? Who can take that seriously? But apparently I misunderstood it.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula