Star Wars Vs. Star Trek


"He has all the time in the world ... "
Tribbles or Ewoks?

Tribbles or Ewoks?
Ewoks all the way, because they can kick the Tribbles with their little dwarf legs.

"He has all the time in the world ... "
Ewoks all the way, because they can kick the Tribbles with their little dwarf legs.
Maybe, but can they out-breed them?

"He has all the time in the world ... "
I googled "Ewoks vs. Tribbles"....

Turns out this is a serious debate.
Now that's just scary.

Maybe, but can they out-breed them?

Well, uh... no.... but the Ewoks can "bring that beat back" yub nub style on top of some Stormtroopers' head gear and use the the Tribbles as toilet paper.

I googled "Ewoks vs. Tribbles"....

Turns out this is a serious debate.
Someone, someday is going to win that ca-razy online debate with a serious true yawn-fest, someday.

"He has all the time in the world ... "

Well, uh... no.... but the Ewoks can "bring that beat back" yub nub style on top of some Stormtroopers' head gear and use the the Tribbles as toilet paper.
Yeah, the Ewoks definitely have the advantage in the weight category.

I'll always go with whatever has Patrick Stewart in it!

Would anyone love to see a CG movie called Trek Wars that sees both universe meeting? A live action film would be tricky and more expensive but they could use motion capture technology to allow the actors to loo the same on screen. What do you guys think?

I like both for different reasons and at different times I prefer one to the other. The even Star Trek films tend to be the better ones whereas Star Wars is really good because of episode 4 and 5. It started going downhill in 6 with the ewoks and then the prequels just took it to a whole new levels. Those movies weren't even really very good at all with the exception of some of episode 3.

If the prequels came out first, I don't think anyone would care about Star Wars like they do now. I do enjoy the Star Wars universe a little better though, Jedi, lightsabers, etc.
Cinema Kingdom:

Iron Fitness:

Star Wars, though I adore both.

Are you a trekkie?

Yeah, I'd consider myself a Trekkie. I used to resent Star Trek when I was young because I felt it infringed too greatly upon Star Wars' perceived superiority (a perception I still hold). But I grew up and gave it a shot thanks to J.J. Abrams, and now I love the TV series for their considerably deep and varied subject matter. As far as the television space goes, Star Trek is up there with the "hardest" of science-fiction as well. Star Wars encourages you to be a hero, Star Trek encourages you to be a scientist. I see nothing wrong with either.

Star Trek encourages you to be a scientist. I see nothing wrong with either.
Are you Sheldon

The most loathsome of all goblins
I love the Star Wars video-games, but the films and novels leave me cold for the most part. Even if I did give a crap about Star Wars, Trek wins for DS9 alone. Such a fantastic series.

Zombie Preparedness Expert
Star Wars all the way. Although I have nothing against Star Trek, I've always been a Star Wars fan, no matter how much the prequels tried to ruin things.

Easy! Star Wars, as I'm no trekkie

Star Trek hands down. The first and third original Star Wars were pretty good, but I wasnt too impressed with the others.

I'm not a Star Wars fan.As for Star Trek,the TV series are much better than the movies generally.The only Star Trek movies I've liked are :
First Contact.
As for the reboot,I saw the 2009 movie and didn't think it was Star Trek.No interest in watching the latest movie.