Star Wars Vs. Star Trek


Star Trek is more intellectual. Star Wars is more fun.
Yeah my post was going to read something like that. Besides that Star Wars has the one ups on the movies with the light saber battle scenes.

I dunno, I think that the original Star Wars films were quite intellectually engaging when you really looked at the themes and metaphors and stuff.

Anyways, the original Star Wars by miles, but the even numbered Star Trek films make the Star Wars prequels look like ****.

I dunno, I think that the original Star Wars films were quite intellectually engaging when you really looked at the themes and metaphors and stuff.

Anyways, the original Star Wars by miles, but the even numbered Star Trek films make the Star Wars prequels look like ****.
I didn't say Star Wars had no interesting ideas. But it's much more about adventure and mysticism, whereas Star Trek focuses heavily on stuff like ethical dilemmas and generally explores social themes and such blah blah blah just agree already.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

I didn't say Star Wars had no interesting ideas. But it's much more about adventure and mysticism, whereas Star Trek focuses heavily on stuff like ethical dilemmas and generally explores social themes and such blah blah blah just agree already.
My comment wasn't necessarily directed at you, I knew you weren't trying to diss Star Wars, I was just highlighting that it too can be examined on a deeper level. That's all!

My comment wasn't necessarily directed at you, I knew you weren't trying to diss Star Wars, I was just highlighting that it too can be examined on a deeper level. That's all!
So you agree Star Wars is Teh Suck, and Star Trek pwns?

"He has all the time in the world ... "
... weren't trying to diss Star Wars, I was just highlighting that it too can be examined on a deeper level. That's all!
See Wiki regarding: Joseph Campbell & his influence on George Lucas.

"He has all the time in the world ... "
Sorry, I just thought I'd mention it as I am a fan of Campbell. I'm one of only two people I actually know who has actually read all four volumes of 'The Masks of God'.

The small Wikipedia article hardly constitutes a lecture.

"He has all the time in the world ... "
Well, at least we all seem to agree that Star Wars: Episode 1 The Phantom Bollocks was 136 minutes of our lives we will never get back.

"He has all the time in the world ... "
Damn! I didn't think of that. Hopefully I'll be reincarnated on a planet where it is never shown.

I don't remember asking you a ******* thing!
I'd have to go with Star Wars on this one (see my top movie lol). I've seen a few Star Trek episodes and a few of the movies, and was never that engaged in it. As for the hate on Star Wars Episode I, I didn't think it was that bad. I agree it's the lowest of the trilogy in terms of overall quality (and yes, the racial stereotyping was just wrong), but I still enjoyed it. Not as much as the original trilogy and episodes 2 and 3 (the latter by far being my favorite prequel), but I still like watching it now and then. Go ahead, shoot me for my opinion, for that's all it is: an opinion.

"He has all the time in the world ... "
As for the hate on Star Wars Episode I, I didn't think it was that bad.
It was that bad. I left the cinema wondering why I had wasted perfectly good spondoolies on something so bad. In fact, it left bad in the rear view mirror as it hurtled toward uber-bad crossed with diabolically terrible on steroids city.

In fact, it left bad in the rear view mirror as it hurtled toward uber-bad crossed with diabolically terrible on steroids city.
Oh, I dunno...seems like something a crazy old wizard would do.

"He has all the time in the world ... "
Oh, I dunno...seems like something a crazy old wizard would do.
... In fact; crazy old wizards tell me that film was bad as well.

... In fact; crazy old wizards tell me that film was bad as well.
Old wizards? Did they give you your father's light saber? I bet they didn’t...look for that crap up on eBay, cheap wizard bastards.

Look, we all know Episodes 1-3 were made for very small children and special needs individuals. That's clear. But we were supposed to be comparing the REAL Star Wars with Star Trek, so it's unfair and even pointless to mention Lucas's drooling brain damage-inducing vanity boondoggle.

Star Trek is better when you consider overall quality, though. Geek fight, geek fight!

Star Trek is better when you consider overall quality, though. Geek fight, geek fight!

The next movie could finally be the movie that settles the Internet-long debate of who would win in a fight between a star destroyer and a galaxy class Federation vessel?

Holy crap, this movie is gonna rock...or that might just be the stupidest thing I've ever posted.

"He has all the time in the world ... "
Old wizards? Did they give you your father's light saber? I bet they didn’t...look for that crap up on eBay, cheap wizard bastards.
Yeah, you can always rely on those cheap wizard bastards to give you a light sabre with flat batteries.