Anyone like Jet Li?


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Jet Li was brilliant in Romeo Must Die and his performance as a villain in Lethal Weapon 4 was very impressive too. I agree, Jet Li, besides being unbelievably fast, is one heck of an actor as well. His new movie, Cradle 2 the Grave, looks very impressive from the previews too! Kudos to Jet Li, one heck of a kung-fu actor!

Originally posted by flickchic

What are you talking about?!? Did you not see him in The One with Carla Gugino? Their chemistry was something Jackie Chan could never do! And in his movies from China, his characters have some depth. Don't get me wrong, Chan is cool and funny, but you have to give props to Jet Li's acting ability as well.
Ok dude settle down man I did see him in The One a good movie, i enjoyed it, BUT I never said Jet Li couldnt act, i said he just wasnt as good as far as i was concerned. You put Jackie Chan with the right female actress, and I would bet my boots that Jackie Chan could do just as well. I mean come on Jet Li is a young'n sure he has fantastic potential and will be great but Jackie to me is just plain well...better, and alot more experienced he was involved in movies before I was even a sperm ready to be conceived!

You think Jet Li doesn't do his own stunts?!? Dude, know what you're talking about before you start bashing a bad a** like Jet Li. [/b]
Once again I dont speak for frutkake but i dont believe he ever said Jet Li didnt do his own stunts, but I believe he was just making reference to the fact Jackie does. Either way dude its not like you can cyber bash him for voicing his opinion and man do i need some coffee!

Wow, you guys take me way too seriously. All I was saying is that you need to give Jet Li some credit. Jackie Chan is awesome too, but I think Jet is a better actor because he can do deeper roles. And once again, you don't really know what you're talking about when it comes to their ages. Jackie Chan wasn't even 9 years old when Jet Li was born. Jackie Chan has been in about forty more movies than Jet Li, but both are very experienced actors. So lay off the caffine, Dude, you're too high-strung already.
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Originally posted by flickchic
Wow, you guys take me way too seriously. All I was saying is that you need to give Jet Li some credit. Jackie Chan is awesome too, but I think Jet is a better actor because he can do deeper roles. And once again, you don't really know what you're talking about when it comes to their ages. Jackie Chan wasn't even 9 years old when Jet Li was born. Jackie Chan has been in about forty more movies than Jet Li, but both are very experienced actors. So lay off the caffine, Dude, you're too high-strung already.
Hey you express your opinions, i express mine Pal but just one more point I didnt say Jet was inexperienced i said he wasnt as experienced, which I call 40 more movies, a lot more experience. Jet Li has credit, Ive said that already Jet Li is good, but IMNHO Jackie is better.

IMNHO, what does that mean? And what's with all this [i]Pal[/I} stuff? Did I hit a nerve or something?

Its in the Glossary it means In My Not-so Humble Opinion, no nerve just basically saying you have your point, ill have mine, you have your opinion, ill have mine and this time, never the two shall meet

Jet Li is amazing! and he is really fast but you can't compare him to Jackie Chan ( legend! ) because they are two different actors with two different styles. It's like saying who is or was the best player in the nba.....Jordan or wilt? can't compare. Jet Li and Jackie Chan are both grouse!.
"everybody be be cool"

Wow, good post. I completely agree!

grouse is another word for really good, great, excellent or just saying you really enjoy it

Grouse, I'm an American and never heard of it, other than it's a small game bird that you can hunt.

there's a bird in the states that's called grouse?!, that's grouse!.