Films You Love, But Everyone Else Hates


Don't torture yourself, Gomez. That's my job.
Oh and I forgot to mention. Nearly any movie with Vin Diesel in it. I love them all.
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"And our credo: "Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc." We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Not just pretty words."

Don't torture yourself, Gomez. That's my job.
The only Vin Diesel film I adore is the underrated Pitch Black.
See.. hence the hate I get from people. I like him in the Fast and the Furious Franchise. Particularly the first one. I like him in xXx (2002) another craptastic movie.

Pitch Black is certainly the favourite, as it is fantastic. Yet I still like him in everything else I've seen, even if it's a silly movie.

Two threequels: The Godfather Part III and Spider-Man 3.

And Grown Ups was very good too.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

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weekend with Bernie

Your the main Character,the movie is built around you ,but your dead
That's a great idea
I would like a copy of HIS script

Well, I wouldn't necessarily say everybody else HATES it... but nobody likes it as much as I do.

The Orphanage. The ghost story in Spanish? God, that movie is great.

I want to know what films you really like or Love, yet everyone around you hates. And i mean general opinion of critics and film fans.

The film is 300 Spartans.
I love this movie very much & enjoying to watch.
But in my family all of them hates this Movie.
I watch this movie one's a week.

I really enjoyed 'Eyes Wide Shut', everyone I know hated it because it had Tom Cruise in it, but I really though it was an interesting and intelligent film. Of course, Stanley Kubrick is my favorite director. Also I don't mind what actors do in their personal lives as long as they can captivate me onscreen.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
I can't remember if I posted this in this thread or not.

Hide And Seek
I really liked this movie when I first saw it, but haven't watched for years. I really liked De Niro's restrained acting, possibly his one good performance in the noughties era.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Not that I can bring them all to mind (most I've not seen) but I agree that one of the reasons I took a shot at H&S was because, in the trailer, he didn't appear to be in a pantomime. it resembled acting. Y'know, like he used to do? The only other I'd recommend (off the top of my head) is Everybody's Fine, which I only saw because Drew's in it. But he's good in that and definately restrained. He's not De Niro in it, he's not a 'character', he's just a man who's reached retirement and realises that he doesn't know his children.

Obligatory Drew picture.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
I liked Everybody's Fine for what it was, and De Niro was ok, but every other performance was below average (especially Kate Beckinsale), and it was slow in parts. But I loved that bit near the end in the hospital room.

Although you'd expect this from me, I'd agrue that Drew was good in this and that she was the only other actor that had any chemistry with de Niro at all. Rockwell (who I think is great) and Beckensale (who either can't pick a film or has the worst agent in the world) were woefully under-par, I'd agree. But, IMO, the dad is the story and the centre of that film. He's good and everything else works because he's strong.

I find Beauty & The Beast (Disney Version) very overrated. I just don't like the story at all and find other Disney films a lot better.

A lot of my favorites are unliked by many.
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan is, I think, one of the best of the series after Part VI.

House of Games not so much hated, but extremely overrated. I can't see why this isn't in IMDb's top 250 - it is so much better than The Godfather

Homicide. Another by Mamet, I've given it a 10/10 rating.

The Sentinel. Only a 6.1 on IMDb!

Pulse. A great little horror-thriller from '88; one of my favorite horror movies, yet only a 5.1 on IMDb.

The Net. I love thrillers, and the best era for thrillers was the early '90s. This is one of the best, along with:

Mercury Rising. Perhaps the most underrated Bruce Willis (the other low-rated ones deserve it, mostly) film I've seen, and also one of my favorites.

Ultraviolet by Kurt Wimmer
Starring Milla Jovovich

It's probably the greatest fight film I ever watched & I never get tired of re-watching its creativity and imaginative sequences
