Need the title: It's an old zombie movie


I remember watching it when i was a kid..
I can only remember a few scene..

1. Zombies
2. People hides in a house
3. Some get rescued, and the rescuers play with some zombies(they burn them, they hang them, i cannot remember very clearly)
4. This one may ring a bell to you: Near the end, someone opens a closet/door and finds a zombie (I recall his name is Ben??? and he's black) which is also the hero of the movie.

Please help me with this one.
And the Lord said unto John, "Come forth and receive eternal life." But John came fifth and won a toaster.

Night of the Living Dead.
Thanks man, that was quick..

I searched IMDb and there's 4 versions of it.
but this is the one i'm looking for..
Night of the Living Dead (1990)

guess i'll have to rewatch it..

Registered User
yes i'll definitely watch the original version too, and all of george romero's "dead" movies..
The popular video game Left 4 Dead is based on Night of the Living Dead.
The movie was shot in and around the state of Pennsylvania. Left 4 Dead scenery and setting shows Pennsylvania settings, thus paying homage to that 1968 film.