Heya guys! I'm pretty sure I just keep this thread updated with my reviews? Well that's what I'll do, since that's what everyone else does. My first review(s) will not include images, because I'm too new. Enjoy, hopefully~
My reviews may contain spoilers!

Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer R

Based on the popular book series by Megan McDonald, maybe you'd expect a cute, spunky little kiddie flick. You won't get one. A lot of people go to these kinds of movies to maybe get a few laughs about what they found funny in the third grade. Then I remembered I hated grade school after I saw this film. Besides the few laughs you'll get from Heather Graham and Jordana Beatty, you'll be walking out of the theatre, sort of let down, since kiddie flicks can make you laugh.

Australian actress Jordana Beatty plays Judy Moody, third grader wanting to have the summer of her eight year old life. She begins to think it won't happen when two of her three best friends go away to Circus Camp and Bornio(?) respectively. Oddly enough, you do feel bad for her just a little, then snap back to reality when she starts jumping up and down. After failed attempts at trying to get her parents to let her go to those places, they drop the bomb on Judy that she is not going anywhere for the summer, but they are going to California to visit her grandparents after one of them had an accident. Her Aunt Opal babysits, and she quickly realizes her summer, may not be a bummer after all, even though the film itself is.

The only real depth to this movie is Heather Graham portraying Aunt Opal. Something about her large, bug-like eyes make you resist he urge to run out of the theatre making you glad you grew up. Her scenes just light up the screen. She actually has the most memorable line in the film, even though you won't actually remember it for long.

The gross-out humor in the film is high. Kids will find it funny, but anyone else would merely cringe at the sight of blue vomit and house messes. There is also a lot of slang, that as a fourteen year old, I haven't even heard before. "Rare" is a word used for "cool" is a word frequented in the film. Maybe kids do say it these days, but no kids I know that age say it. It really makes you think about the slang you use yourself.

As you may suspect by merely viewing the trailer for this film, Judy Moody does get her fantastic summer.

I give it 2/10.