One Piece - Strong World


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The only major One Piece anime written by Eichiro Oda himself with a manga comic set-up! If you're completely (east) blue and don't know the first thing about One Piece, think pirates and marines with X-Men like powers. If you eat one of the rare devil fruits you get powers but lose the ability to swim, which, of course, is a problem for pirates and marines.
The wonderful thing about One Piece (Strong World and the comics) is that it's filled with these awesome moments. It's about friendship, trust and loyalty. And it's actually pretty funny. It's got a 7.7 rating on IMDB for a movie without a description. It might not be well known, but it's pretty damn good.
If you know anything about One Piece or if you like anime you've gotta see this. Might be a bit hard to follow for newcomers. "Why does that guy stretch? What's with the skeleton and why is he obsessed with panties? Wauv she's pretty hot! That dude's got a sword in his mouth! Holy crap that's a raindeer!" But just go with it man.
The Freedom Roads

Don't even get me started on One Piece... I've been keeping up with it for years and years. I download the show every week from japan and keep up with the scanlations... yes. It is an awesome show indeed. I'm considering buying a poster of Strong World sometime in the future.
Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of 'Green'?

-Stan Brakhage

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Strong World isn't really part of the anime show but more of a standalone movie set in the same universe with the same characters. I saw The Cursed Holy Sword which technically is part of the show even though it's filler, meaning that when the manga catches up the show takes off in a different direction for a while. I haven't seen them all but they seem to be lower quality than the shows that take place within the comic storyline. The Cursed Holy Sword made Luffy seem stupid. The animations weren't as good and neither was the story.The filler shows are nowhere near as bad as something like Dragonball Z but Strong World is really good.

Don't even get me started on One Piece... I've been keeping up with it for years and years. I download the show every week from japan and keep up with the scanlations... yes. It is an awesome show indeed. I'm considering buying a poster of Strong World sometime in the future.
I wish you would. I don't watch the episodes as much but I'm quickly working my way through the manga. Some of those moments are epic! I guess the show is quite good as well?

I wish you would. I don't watch the episodes as much but I'm quickly working my way through the manga. Some of those moments are epic! I guess the show is quite good as well?
The show is AMAZING I highly recommend it.

planet news's Avatar
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Hmmm... two ecstatic recommendations... hmmmmmm

(aawwwww yeeeaaah)
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

It was great and fantastic. I love it!

Registered User
One Piece is awesome, but there are way too many fillers (500 episodes in, and they still have to beat 2 warlords and all three generals?). The best thing about the show is the use of still frames; when I first started watching, I was amazed by how well they use the anime style to their advantage.