The Rite

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For those of you that went or are going to see this movie expecting to see spinning heads are in for a big surprise. It was a farely good attempt at trying to revive the exorcism genre, but basically does a piss-poor job at connecting all the dots in the movie. Perhaps they were trying recreate the appeal that The exorcist had on a lot of people, but that was a different era.

This movie does not capture the weight and dark energy that The exorcist had provided in those times. The movie has an atheist priest in training going against the dark forces of evil with more of the usual body contorting, voice changing, that lately has gone on a lot with every exorcism movie being produced. Maybe the best part of the movie is Father Lucas ( Anthony Hopkins ) an unorthodox priest who's methods of dealing with evil aren't the usual. Although the movie does not impress it still is an entertaining movie and has a few scare tactics in between the bad acting.

Anthony Hopkins' Hannabilistic performance in the end is pretty good, and is not easily forgotten to bad we can't say that for the movie in a whole. I would recommend this movie to anyone that just wants to be entertained on a late saturday night, and is not looking for an oscar worthy performance. It wont make you believe in the devil, but it will make you believe hollywood is still trying to bleed this genre out!

I wasn't expecting much from this film, but I agree it was a decent film.

People should avoid watching this is as a horror film, cos it will hardly amuse as a horror film. But it still manages to entertain.

I really like the movie. I think it was as good as i expected it to be.

I thought the story was good but do agree that i was disappointed. it did not meet my expectations for a horror film but hey sometimes this happens. all in all i would have liked to have more SCARE!
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