Top 5 fav movies of all time


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The Shawshank Redemption
Star Wars
The Godfather
Fight Club

Thats 6.

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1. Night of the Demons

2. Night of the Living Dead

3. Nightmare on Elm Street (all of them)

4. Evil Dead

5. Friday the 13th (all of them)

These are in particular order. I like all of them equally!( except #1 it's a classic)

Revised list.

The Blair Witch Project
Mulholland Drive
Cool Hand Luke
Saving Private Ryan
Schindlers List
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

1) Ghost World

2) Fellowship of the Ring

3) Star Wars: A New Hope

4) The Godfather

5) Blade II
"You will taste man flesh!" - Saruman

1. Fight club
2. The Boondock Saints
3. Platoon
4. Memento
5. Carlitos way
When I Die Bury Me Upside Down So The World Can Kiss My A$$.

The Last Of The Mohicans
The Shawshank Redemption
Lord of the Rings
Star Wars (any)
Forest Gump

and so many more...............
~ Nikki ~

"I'm your hell, I'm your dream.......I'm nothing in between.......You know you wouldn't want it any other way".........

"Listen, when I slap you, you'll take it and like it"..........Humphrey Bogart..........Maltese Falcon.......

Graze on my lips and if those hills be dry, stray lower, where the pleasant fountains lie...........William Shakespeare.......

I hate these things...they're extremely hard.
There's only 2 movies that will never change...the rest can and do often.
the 2 that don't change
1. Braveheart
2. Unforgiven
the rest
3. LoTR
4. Magnolia
5. Seven

Honorable mentions:
LA Confidential
Shawshank Redemption
Resevoir Dags
-Do you like dags?
-Ohh...dawgs. Yeah I like dawgs.
Saving Private Ryan
Lock, Stock...
Dumb and Dumber
the list goes on...
If more people watch hockey it will be on TV more.

I must become Caligari..!
Ok i am going to Copy Holdens Style

1. Pulp Fiction. Quentin Tarantino 1994

2. O Brother, Where art thou? Coen Brothers 2000

3. Wayne's World. Penelope Spheeris & Mike Myers 1992

4. The Outsiders. S.E Hinton & Francis Ford Coppola 1983

5. Jackie Brown Quinten Tarantino 1997

Registered User
Once Upon A Time In America
The Godfather Pt II
Raging Bull
Taxi Driver

My list changes from time to time. Notice all mine are Robert DeNiro movies lol

In no particular order:
Shawshank Redemption
To Kill A Mockingbird
The Thing
The Shining
Lord of The Rings - The Two Towers

ok.. so there's more than 5...

Registered User
*drum roll*..

the top 5 movies ever are...

The Killer (Chow Yun Fat, Sally Yeh)
Out of Sight (George Clooney, Jennifer Lopez)
Edward Scissorhands (Johnny Depp, And his Hair)
Romeo + Juliet (Leonardo DiCaprio, Claire Danes)
American Beauty (Kevin Spacey, Anette Bening)

subject to change on a daily basis.

hmmm... after going thru some of the movies I have, there's more to add ... can't just choose 5 or 6 or...

Seven, Abyss, As Good As It Gets, Indiana Jones x3, Back to the Future, Glory, Predator.. etc.. and believe it or not, I just saw the first Matrix...

I See You When You're Sleeping
<1> Blade Runner

<2> The Lost Highway

> The Lost Boys

<4> Trains, Planes and Automobiles

<5> Labyrinth

OOO another Lost Boys fan.... forgot about that one.

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
I don't really have a top five (theres no way I could narrow it down like that, even to ten). But, to fit in with the crowd, I will list some films, each of which could be on it.

No order

To Kill a Mockingbird
Schindler's List
The Silence of the Lambs
High Noon
The Fugetive
Hamlet (1996)
Dead Again
The Usual Suspects
Witness for the Prosecution
Blade Runner
The Name of the Rose
The Big Lebowski
The Exorcist
Blue Velvet
Time After Time
Dirty Harry
White Heat
The Godfather (or part II)
Psycho (1960 not the remake, God forgive Gus Van Sant)
Saving Private Ryan
Gangs of New York (The best film of 2002)
Reservior Dogs
Dr. Strangelove
The Killer
My Fair Lady
The Road Warrior
The Maltese Falcon

Favorite Silent Film: Sunrise
Favorite Animated Film: The Great Mouse Detective

I left out a lot of great films that I love, but I think this one gives a good enough range of my movie tastes.
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Howard Beale

That is the biggest cop out ever, anming all those films. But anyways, here are my films, in no particular order.

Fight Club
Gosford Park
Empire Records
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

This list can change dramatically in a day though.
I was born with words, but not the tongue to say them.

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Didn't see it.
Manchurian Candidate
You Can't Take it With You
Arsenic and Old Lace
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Jim Lewis
To BE or Not to BE, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Barium Enema
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saying lotr is the best is an insult to movies.

films are more than just a remake of a book that was better.

1. star wars 6
2. star wars 4
3. star wars 5
4. the usual suspects
5. the shawshank redemption

You have been Juged!!!!
The Five greatest movies of all time are as followed
Army Of Darkness
Donni Darko
Boondock Saints
Kill Bill
"in the end it's only cornflakes."