Remember Me (2010) **spoiler** Damn this film!?

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Did anyone like the end of this film?

Maybe someone can enlighten me? was there more to it?

I don't know how to put it but i'll try: I definitely did not see this twist coming, in fact I don't think anyone could have possibly seen the twist coming? It was like watching a film about a shoemaker learning to make shoes and one day he becomes rich and sells to the queen, oh and then at the end some aliens from mars landed and accidentally killed the guy. Like why are the aliens involved huh? That's two different stories involving one man.

O the big shocker of shocks!

(**spoiler part**)
so what annoyed me so much was the fact i became sad to the point where i could feel a slight welling of my tear ducts. Okay so the whole 911 incident is a horrible issue; always makes me feel sad thinking about the terrible actions that some of us humans make. But to use the emotions that are evoked from the 911 incident as a way of impacting an audience, personally, to me is just offensive.. that's like toying with us.

In the film the characters had such an unfortunate series of unlikely events, it was easy to assume the film was not based on a true story. And there was no references of my knowledge to the 911 incidents being a part of the film, until the end. It was just unnecessary to throw that in; I understood that perhaps fate awaited the death of the main character after he had managed to somehow pull his family back together a bit.

The film would have been okay without that twist. Well to be honest, no big deal. Should have used a twist of the guy dying in an accident of sorts. It just all felt disrespectful, capitalizing at its best eh?

7.0 on IMDb my hairy arse, maybe 6 if you cut off the ending.

Registered User
Perhaps an admin can move this to the "Movie Reviews" Forum; starting to think I chose wrong.

yeah me too agreed with this point that its ending was so funny but frankly speaking i was expecting little more as from starting of this movie i was wandering what s gonna happens next ??