The person above me thread


The two people above should know already that "SNL" stand for Saturday Night Live. If you still don't know: It's an American show where they do sketches. It's somewhat similar to Kids In The Hall, only a hell of a lot funnier!
"I bet one legend that keeps reoccurring throughout history, in every culture, is the story of Popeye."

The person above me should warn people before creating acronyms that dont exsist and should also remember that im just a simple aussie stud, i dont have time to learn all about American Tv Shows that i will never see in my life

The person above me needs to be aware that Gracie did not make up the acronym for Saturday Night Live. They use the acronym at the beginning of every show.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

The person above should make his post say the following, true statement: Aussies should warn people about how funny and sweet they are, as should Americans!

Wasn't it me who corrected the person above me? I'm so American, I'll sell you suicide.

Jonny Goodboy's Avatar
Fighting out of the Lions Den
The person above me is responsible for posting some of the best stuff on this here my humblest of humble opinion.
Vale Tudo (adv.301)><"Fighting Evil with Evil"

The person above me has humbled me. Thank you. That reminds me of something. Once I was awarded a medal for being the most humble person in my goup, but they took it away from me. I knew I shouldn't have worn it.

Jonny Goodboy's Avatar
Fighting out of the Lions Den
The person above me has just illustrated my point perfectly and made me out loud.

The person above me has just descriped a picture of Silver's mother!! (No offense, Silver. Don't hurt me with you're witty/rude comebacks!!)

The person above me is a coward, take silver like a man and run far far away (just how much further can you get than America? think of something) thats ok i dont believe Silver comes into this thread, for example i could say Matt is such a bald headed freak and he would be none the wiser.

If the person above me is correct, then I can say: Silver is cocky, and is about as mature as a two-year old, and he sucks for being Pro-choice!! LordSlaytan, Naisy, have I told you that I love both of you recently? Well, I YOU BOTH!!

Put me in your pocket...
The person above me loves LordSlaytan and Naisy. She also hates Whoopi Goldberg and has the right to her own opinion on that.

the person above me is keeping her options open by attempting to make two guys jealous and fight over her….dirty tactics, my kind of tactics

the person above me deserves to be shot

The person above me...just might have something there.

The person above the person above me...does not have my permission to drag me into a fight over an 11 year old girl. You're sick man, sick. I think Gracie is a sweetie, she reminds me of my daughter. The only fighting that will be going on is me making sure you keep your HGM to yourself.