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I saw "Chopper" last night. I received the DVD for Christmas, but I had already seen Chopper years ago.

The film has a lot of blood and a lot of Eric Bana playing Chopper Ried. Plenty of the scenes were visually cool with Eric Bana, playing an excellent movie version of the real life Chopper Ried.

To begin with, Chopper is in jail for kidnapping a judge to alter the course of his best mate's trail, that lands him in the same compound as his friend. Chopper aims to make a name for himself and violently comically attacking fellow inmates that draws several attacks on himself including a nasty stabbing by his best friend. It is insane to watch Eric Bana playing Chopper getting stabbed several times, so many in fact that he ends up in the hospital, but not caring or even batting an eyelid during the dramatic attack. There is so much blood that ends up on the floor, and Chopper's dialog is pretty tough throughout this scene. I can see that the real life Chopper is equally as psycho.

When Chopper gets out, he visits all his old friends in Melbourne, including one past criminal associate who has made a name for himself selling speed, and continues to make enemies even on the outside. As well as a continuing negotiation with the police who ignore choppers actions in exchange for information, Chopper finds out that the Mafia want to knock him off. He beats all his enemies to the punch and shoots the messenger in a botched assassination attempt. Of course in the end some old junkie mates rat him out to the police and he ends up in prison again.

Its a pretty good film, and the real life chopper is just as nice, but just as dangerous as the Chopper in the film. On the flip side, Chopper Reid is now a free man, who lives in Tasmania on a farm, and has sold a bunch of books about his underworld exploits.

This movie was not intended to be solely funny, but with Eric Bana in the lead it was always going to make you laugh. His denial of pain and causing injury while at times hard to watch is also hilarious. Chopper's laugh often steals the show, coming at what appear to be inappropriate times.

Welcome to the human race...
I haven't seen this in years, it had a few good moments but I don't recall the movie as a whole being any good. I may or may not owe myself a second viewing.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Chopper is pretty awesome! Can't really put into words what I liked about it. I was mesmerized by Bana's portrayal of Chopper Reid. I kind of watched scratching my head, smiling a little and at some points wanted to puke but could not take my eyes away from the screen. Was reading up on the film and saw somewhere that Bana was a stand up comedian in Australia before he made this film. Chopper helped propel him into a big time actor.