What is the name of this film? Help me!


Rite i need help. Me and my brother used to watch this film when we were younger, and we cant remember the name of it but really wanna see it again. Can anyone help me? This is all the facts i can remember of it...
1. Its from the early 80's
2. It was kinda animated, but not cartoon, kinda in the same style as nightmare before christmas
3. Basic gist....this old looking man...who may have been called the ragman, used to look for all the children that were still awake really late at night and turn them into mice.....or something.....

Sorry if ive totally wasted anyones time but if u can help me u win my upmost respect!
Suddenly i heard a rapping, as of someone gently tapping...tapping on my chamber door.


okay a bit dramatic there but really, or give me a good website that allows u to search for old movies when u dont really know F**K all about them

If it's a horror movie you could go to www.zombie.dreahost.com
They have a very long list of movies. They also review each movie to a tee. So good luck!!!
I spent eight years trying to reach him, and another seven trying to keep him locked, because I knew that was living behind that boy's eyes was purly and simply evil.

-Dr. Loomis- Halloween

Calling Holden Pike....the fountain of knowledge! Where are u when i need you! (thats me looking for u!)

The movie you seek is calledThe Witches, and it was released in 1990 . It is directed by Nicholas Roeg, and is based upon a book by Roald Dahl, thus the "Night Before Christmas" comparison.

It starred Anjelica Huston, and was the last film that featured the great puppet work of the late Jim Henson.

Awh thanx but i know what movie ur talking about and thats not it. Thanx anyway for your help and it made me realise that my description is very much like the witches. Ta very much for ur help anyways.