Hoshiko's reviews

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So, although I'm still studying dutifully, learning the more technical aspects of film, I still thought I could have some fun giving this review thing a shot though I will probably re-write some as I learn more.

Warning: most of my reviews are likely to contain spoilers!!! I will try diligently to leave out the most "spoily" details a much as possible, cuz the last thing I wanna do is ruin the embiance of a film. (And yes, I realize there is a button to wrap spoilers tags around text... I'm just lazy )

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy<(^_^)>

So, I guess I didn't clarify... I'm going to do them as I go. Kind of a different format from everyone else, but I say "fight the system!!!" but also give the ppl what they want... so here's what i watched from netflix last night.

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

Definately something i have been wanting to see, this aromatic story captured my imagination and did not disappoint. When I decided to start writing down my thoughts on the films I watched this shot straight to the top of my list.

The story centers on Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, a boy born into poverty with an exceptional skill. His sense of smell almost inhuman, he is compelled to preserve scent and goes on to make the world's finest perfume.

Because of his superior olfactory sense, the character finds he has little use for words because of their inaccuracy compared to his smell.... This results in quite a bit of narration. The narration almost turned me for a moment but as the film moved onward it increasingly grew on me and gave the story a more fairy tale like quality.

As Jean-Baptiste, played by Ben Wishaw, grows and changes hands he gradually become aware of the miriad of scents present in the world. He eventually realizes that the secent of things disappears when a accidentally kills a girl and her scent fades. Determined to find a way to keep the smell he found so intoxicating in the girl, he sets out to find a perfumer who may help him to do just that.

Enter Dustin Hoffman as Guiseppe Baldini in a curious role as a proud Italian Perfumist who has long since seen his limelight. Jean-Baptiste uses his talent to re-create a popular perfume in mere minutes to convince Guiseppe in taking him on as an apprentice. Guiseppe, realizing the rarity that he had come upon, buys Jean-Baptiste from the local tanner (every time Jean-Baptiste changes hands in this film the last person to have him in their charge dies, adding to the "nothing lasts forever theme").

Jean-Baptiste soon learns that the traditional methods of preserving scent do not help in his ultimate goal, for he still cannot preserve human scent. After making Guiseppe incredibly rich he leaves the city to continue his journey... Guiseppe dies.

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (pt. 2?)

When Jean-Baptiste finally learns the secret he finds that he must kill in order to do as he wishes the story takes a nasty turn, but ultimtely he creates a perfect perfume. It is so perfect, so divine, that it bewitches all who smell it. It is so wonderful, in fact that he is exhonerated from the murders he committed and walks away a free man.

Since it is very illustrious tale, there is quite a bit of drama to the whole film. From the lighting to the camerawork, it sucks you in to the tittilating fabrication. Speckled with a cameo here and there (Dustin Hoffman, Sam Douglas, Alan Rickman) the characters are the real reason to watch this interesting flick. A few Interesting choices by Director Tom Tykwer that create an excellent overall feel. A must see.